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Seals - oil / grease / nothing ?


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Morning !

Ok, this isn't really landrover specific, but at work i fit a lot of seals. And everyone seems to have a different idea of which ones you put light oil, grease, nothing on etc...

I'm referring to rubber seals, which are either round (i.e. like O'rings), 'squared' round (i.e. an O'ring but which the rubber is a square), or like a 1/2" 'strap' wrapped round in a circle. They are all used between metal & metal or metal & ceramic.

All the fluid i'm dealing with is mainly a water based liquid...But we have just done a couple weeks where we were drilling with an oily liquid. (Pumping c. 1,000 gallons / minute at c. 4,000psi).

So how do you fit your seals ????


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