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110 utility conversion

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This came up elsewhere and this was one reply posted:

"The 7th digit of your chassis number should be the original body type. A for utility or M for station wagon"

Seemed to be general agreement that it correlated with those vins of people involved in the post.

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At the moment thats is true but from what i've read in Jan 2010 thats no longer the case (happy to be corrected here :) ). Anything over 3000kg and its a class 7. No matter what the seats are (or windows and distance between front and back rows,,blah blah etc). My V5C im' NOT listed as Estate but am listed as Light 4x4 Utility and P L Goods.

I remember you mentioning this when we were looking at your removable " for MOT purposes only" seating ;) . From what i've read now it looks like were both knackered and class 7 and so my question. Is it really much problem?

Please don't take this as completly true but at the moment its looking that way. I'm not bothered until its costing me money,,, well, at any rate, money thats more than a few quid each year i.e. the class 4 to class 7 price difference. that's no biggie.

From what i've read some of the ferry companies charge the earth if you're a "commercial" and its looking more like this every day...LEZ and now MOT,,,barstools.

Will it cost me at the border, will i have to queue with the lorries in Tibet? My list is endless.......for the sake of this forum you can forget the last

bits. I'm just ranting. Go back to the last para and stop reading.

One more thing...the plate goes front to back. entire length? I shall look. Any more detail? 110 still in Garage 100miles away so not easy but i will check. I might go get it back for Xmas. Want to play,,, i have some bits to replace.

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  • 1 month later...

Ok so i've just filled out my V5C with Revenue Weight 2950Kg as per the VIN plate and am also trying to amend the Body Type to "Estate" and not Light 4x4 Utility. Should be 20 to 30 days for this to be changed, if they change it !

I have not filled the number of seats section. This may be my undoing.....currently blank and i'm leaving it that way.

Will let you know.

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Ok so i've just filled out my V5C with Revenue Weight 2950Kg as per the VIN plate and am also trying to amend the Body Type to "Estate" and not Light 4x4 Utility. Should be 20 to 30 days for this to be changed, if they change it !

I have not filled the number of seats section. This may be my undoing.....currently blank and i'm leaving it that way.

Will let you know.

Let me know how you get on with this as Im in a similar situation...

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I've called them and they've just said "get a letter off land rover if you want to change the body type".

My answer to that was, the VIN says its an M = Station Wagon and if it were a Utility (as listed on the V5C) it would be an "A" in the VIN. She had no answer to that and repeated get a letter. They can't argue with the VIN or can they? I've put this in a letter and stated M = Station Wagon and A = Utility / VAN.

Will let you all know.

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I wrote them a letter Neil and simply stated that they had calssified mine wrong in the first place. It came back a fortnight later amended from Light 4x4 Utility to Estate. This really does seem to be the usual matter of getting a different answer from every person at the DVLA you speak to - they really dont seem to know their a*se from their elbow there.

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I don't know. I could have sworn I read somewhere that utility classed vehicles were cheaper due to the lack of some tax. It may have been in days gone by, as I can't find any mention of it on the web. Reb does seem to indicated that it doesn't matter anyway, so let's hope so :)

As for the DVLA, they're beyond useless. I tried to phone them and ask if my re-chassis would require any inspection, and the guy at the end of the phone couldn't answer any questions and in the end sent me an 'information pack'.

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i hope you enjoyed the info pack. Did it go into the little room for reading matter ? :lol:

I've read on other forums that people are getting them changed so it must be a common thing now. Its strange how one stupid idea (LEZ) has potentiall caused a monumental administration cost in a department that doesn't earn any revenue from it. Combined with the new MOT rules that department must be mostly busy with Land Rovers. I've also read after your V5C comes back it only takes a few weeks for the LEZ system to be corrected thus meaning the 110 will be a car and exempt from LEZ. To be honest I'm more bothered about foreign customs and stuff like that than LEZ.

Once i get it back i'll change the rear to van sides...LMAO....(it might happen)

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Well in some other countries it's worse, in Germany their LEZ-equivalent scheme involves your car being issued with a badge of a certain colour, based on whether it meets the Euro I, II, III or IV regulations. Anything diesel and made before 1997 cannot claim any badge and therefore likely won't be allowed into certain city centres at all, unless it's fitted with a particulate filter!

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What's the issue with having to put a Land Rover in for the Class 7 MoT anyway? Our Ford F350 always goes for the Class 7 (5050kg gross weight or something) and as far as I can see they don't test anything different and it only cost about a tenner more (the £57 mentioned above sounds right from memory). We have to take it to an HGV test centre, but they normally put it through their car test bay anyway (about a 90 point turn to get the 152" wheelbase 7' wide beast into the test bay :lol: )

As for ferries, certianly cross channel I normally don't pre book and then rock up to the office and say I need a ticket for a crew cab pickup with a boat on trialer. Most ticket salespersons don't ask about size, weight etc and get a surprise when you drive past 2 minutes later in your 75' truck and trailer combo.

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Class 7 is £100 or more to go into LEZ if your not euro certified (this includes Heathrow to pick people up). The MOT is no issue and thats not the reason i would like to be correct of the V5C. My LR is off round the world eventually so i'd like everything 100%. The LEZ is just a bonus. Getting it officially as a car is another. Getting in class 4 is another. Getting cheaper tolls is another. Who's to say what will change in future. ££'s saved and less hassle in the long and short term.

Whats right is right and at the moment its wrong. If i have a major road traffic i bet they'd find a way to not pay as the documents aren't correct and no doubt they're my responsabilty. I can't go wrong if they are correct.

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Neill, when did the LEZ come in? I took the F350 right into central London (to Earls Court, so just missed congestion charge) a year ago with no charges?

If I was planning a trip like you I'd be working the other way round, concerned about exceeding my GVW.

If the 110 Station Wagon weighs 2000kg ish dry, you're could be looking at adding 160kg of people, 80kg of fuel, 100kg of modifications, protection etc., 100kg of winch and bumper, 200kg of roof rack, tent, jerry cans, extra spare tyre, 100kg of food and fridge, 100kg of cloths and bedding, 50kg water, 50kg of jack and recovery gear, 100kg of extra misc. first aid, camping equipment etc. - That's a total added of 1040kg in theory, which would take you over your declared GVW of 2950kg.

Is this not a higher risk? If you get weighed in some random country and found to be overweight you don't want to be giving them your reserve fuel and paying a fine before you cross some desert! What GVW is on the VIN?

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LEZ started (for non-cars) 4th Feb 2008. http://www.tfl.gov.uk/roadusers/lez/

If your F350 is classed as a car your OK if not you're nackered. It could be £100(or is it £125?) Not sure on how the Euro emissions affects you. It might sill be free for you at any point but worth a check on their checker.

You're absolutely correct about the weight but its 2950Kg on the plate so nothing i can do.

I don't think you can change your plate for a different GVW.

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Trouble is GVW is stamped on the vin. This often contradicts what is on the V5 (thanks again DVLA) - so depending where you look, you might get done anyway. My feeling is that they will look at the paperwprk, but if they then see this doesnt match the vin, you might end up in more trouble than just being overweight.

Currently, my vin GVW is different to the V5 GVW (found out about this issue after i'd chnaged the body type), but i have changed the body type to estate as i have a genuine CSW that is now LEZ exempt.

The LEZ wont hit everyone in the defender bracket for another couple of years (2012) some time - but still worth sorting out early becasue that date seems to depend on the dorection fo the wind.

EDIT - Neill was typing faster than me!

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Well i just put the reagistration mark of the F350 into the 'check your vehicle' thing on your link Neill and it syas that it 'not subject to LEZ' until Oct 2010, then it is 'compliant' from then on. So my 5,000kg 7.3L doesn't get charged, but your 2900kg 2.5L does?!!? That's F***ed up!

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That's F***ed up!

Well put! The F350 is petrol isnt it? - only diesels are affected by LEZ. Yours is the extreme example of where this stupid scheme makes no sense at all. Anyway. Straying a little OT here now. But Neill is right really - with the paperwork all correct, you wont be creating as many hassles on travells to exotic places as you may encounter with conflicting paperwork.

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No, the F350 is a 7.3L turbo diesel, dating from 2002. It could be that where it is an import the DVLA don't have any emmissions data for it and can't classify it?

Dangerously back on topic.....

What's the motivation for the 'utility' swap? Security? Avoiding window damage due from the load? I'm thinking if you replace the glass in the rear windows with body coloured plastic then you haven't modified the body shape or style, you've just extremely heavily tinted the windows. You'd then have the lack of visibility of the load and avoid window damage, without the registration complications.

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What's the motivation for the 'utility' swap?

I was being a bit flippant :P . I might just swap the windows as you say for either solid (secuirty filmed) glass or aluminium. I'm more inclined to use security film on single piece glass with a external homemade grill. Not made my mind up yet. But a set of 88 sides did seem appealing but i don;t want to mess up the V5C and i want it to look like a CSW for all the reasons we've highlighted and reb has mentioned. So glass is the prefered route. Back on topic :o 200th post..golly.

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  • 1 month later...

OK so the DVLA has just confirmed they've changed my V5C to "Estate" from "Light 4x4 Utility" and have corrected the weight to 2950kg from 3499kg.

They say they "forgot" to send out the reviced document so it should be with me in a few days.

(posted this in both threads where this is discussed)

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OK so the DVLA has just confirmed they've changed my V5C to "Estate" from "Light 4x4 Utility" and have corrected the weight to 2950kg from 3499kg.

They say they "forgot" to send out the reviced document so it should be with me in a few days.

(posted this in both threads where this is discussed)

What did you say or send them (DVLA)to get this changed?

My V5 currently says light 4x4 utility, the VIN plate under the bonnet gives GVW of 3050kg but the v5 logbook says 2999kg GVW. The 7th digit on the VIN number is A, for utility I believe.

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