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My first concern would be that the turbine housing on the small turbo is going to act as a huge restriction to the exahust gas flow, so i'd be surprised if you get much benefit from the large turbo at all.

Maybe it works alright though.

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Interesting, just like the tractor pullers do it.................... i wonder what sort of psi they are seeing, and how the 300 will holdup. Usually the tractor boys run water/alc injection between stages, not to melt anything i guess.


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I think it will probably work fine!

I would tend to agree with Arragon's comment about the small turbine housing but as this will have it's waste gate open as soon as big boost is there, it may not effect it too much!

I do think that the workmanship looks good and the design is well done, including the intercooler shape etc so let's give the builder the benefit of the doubt as he looks like he knows what he / she is doing! and the pics do not show it very clearly.

Would like to see the result! could be fun! although probably not off road :D



Judging from the rest of the stuff on their site, they seem to know what they are doing and have quite a few 2 stage kits for different engines available. Perhaps we should watch with interest!

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Good point on the wastegate, i guess you could always machine the wastegate out (or even run an external gate) which wont affect the spool but will allow enough exhaust gas to bypass the small blower to make it all work pretty effectively.

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