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What thickness aluminium is recommended for a roof rack floor?


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As above looking to put a decking sheet on the roof rack - is 2mm too thin and will it deform (on a Brownchurch full length) or should i go for 3mm?

Just trying to keep the weight (and cost) down?

Next anyone know of cheap sources?!

Thanks in advance.

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not sure how many ladders your roof rack has, nor do i know the dimensions, but the ladders should provide good strength members if there are enough of them, even 1mm thick ally is strong this way.

anyway, there's your answer.

in a non-geeky way

if 1 metre cubed of ally weighs xKg's, and surface area multiplied by the thickness you choose is the volume of ally you will be using.

then xKg's multiplied by your volume of ally is how much extra weight you have. just remember the length, width and thickness all have to be in metres, 2mm = 0.002m.

i think you would be better off increasing the ladders on the roof rack, and using 1mm ally as it will only really be damaged by piercing type damage and not anything else.


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The strength depends on the spec of the sheet (alloy, temper, etc). I wouldn't recommend 1mm, as even the hardest spec would deform between the supports if you walked around on it.

I buy ally sheet for my fabrication business. I've got some old stock on the shelf in 2mm 3103 H14 which will probably be fine for strength, BUT its in 2500mm x 1250mm sheets, so won't fit the width in one shot. If you don't mind an overlapped joint, I can do what you need from two lengths @ say 2050 x 700mm, giving you a 50mm overlap. These would weigh a total of 15.56Kg and I would be happy to supply and cut a couple for a £35 cash donation to our local children's hospice (Acorns).

Alternatively, how about leaving a 50mm gap down each side and using a single 2050 x 1250 piece? That would weigh just under 14 Kilos.

Our factory is in central Birmingham, and if you could collect, it would make life easy. If that's a problem, I could get it sent down to Chippenham (where my supplier has a branch).

Let me know what you think.


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