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Location of Chassis Number

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I have a 1985 CSW and I'm looking for the chassis number. I have the plate on top of the pedal box, but I'm damned if I can find the number on the chassis. I have looked in the usual place - on the RHS chassis member, at the front and just behind the bumper, and it's not there, nor is there any evidence that it has ever been there! I have cleaned it back and it's nice and shiny and clean, but no evidence of anything ever had been stamped in that area.

Can anybody suggest anywhere else to look?

I have looked:

On the top on the same side

On the LHS chassis member (side and top)

From the front bumper back to the rear of the front wheel arch on both sides!

Any where else to look?

I should add that it doesn't look like the front member has been replaced - if it was, it has been done very professionally!



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where you looked/cleaned first is the standard location for a UK RHD vehicle.

Thank you, that is what everything I had read today also indicated. But it is plainly not there, nor has it ever been, the surface is unblemished.

Apart from a new front part to the cross-member, which is unlikely, but possibly the only explanation, is there anything else?



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Has anything on the chassis been replaced? I would expect at that age for at least the rear cross member to have been changed, if not some outriggers/dumbirons too.

If not, it might indicated a new chassis has gone underneath at some point in it's history. Not necessarily a bad thing, mind.

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