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Hi all,

Ive had a look about but cant find an answer....sure its simple but it appears.....so am I!!!!

Im wiring in my Land Rover spotlights with a Land Rover spotlight wiring kit. I have the power sorted, the earth sorted, the cables to the relevant lights sorted, I have attached the switch wire to the main beam feed for the headlight so they come on when I have main on or flash main.

All ok so I thought...but.....every time I use the main beam option it blows the fuse for that headlamp ( im just using the left headlamp main beam feed for the switch - as advised.

Please please tell me where Im going wrong....it seemed such a simple job.

Apologies if this is already on the forum somewhere.


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Sounds like you have wired something up backwards and are creating a short when you apply current to the live headlight circuit henc overloading the circuit to a short and blowing the fuse for the headlights.

my recomendation would be to remove switch wire and test it against a fused live, so you don't blow the relay 3amp fuse would be fine try the head lights with out and work back from there there are 3 feeds to the headlight Main Live Diped Live Negative so could you have mixed the feeds up?


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Sounds like you have wired something up backwards and are creating a short when you apply current to the live headlight circuit henc overloading the circuit to a short and blowing the fuse for the headlights.

my recomendation would be to remove switch wire and test it against a fused live, so you don't blow the relay 3amp fuse would be fine try the head lights with out and work back from there there are 3 feeds to the headlight Main Live Diped Live Negative so could you have mixed the feeds up?


Sorry assumed that the LR spotlight kit came with a relay hence the switch wire, otherwise if you haven't you need a relay.

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Sorry assumed that the LR spotlight kit came with a relay hence the switch wire, with the otherse if you haven't you need a relay.

You're correct - the LR 'Genuine Parts' Spotlight Wiring Kit does come with a Relay.


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You're correct - the LR 'Genuine Parts' Spotlight Wiring Kit does come with a Relay.


Yes it is a genuine loom with relay so I am thinking that I must have the two power feeds the wrong way round, will look in the morning when its light again...

Many thanks for all your help.....

sometimes it just dangerous trying things for yourself.....but the best way to learn. :rolleyes:


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