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landrover discovery 300tdi no power


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hi all i own a 1996 2.5 tdi in the last month or so i have noticed that when i start from cold and start to drive there is no power there and really struggles until i have driven about half a mile if that and all is back to normal your help would be much appreciated thanks paul

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Hi Paul

First and foremost, did you check that all the filters and the sedimenter are clear and that the pre-feed pump is working correctly.

If the above is all normal, then the symptoms you describe point towards pump timing rather on the late side. The Bosch Diesel pump needs to advance during cold start. If there is now already a timing error on the late side present, this will amplify the problem.

Take the car to a shop, where they can check the pump timing with a timing light. this is possible with a nifty little device from Snap On, which detects the pulse from the No. 1 injector pipe and converts this into a signal, any normal (high quality) timing light can interprete.

Pump timing should be at 10Deg BTDC.

Good luck


Discovery 300Tdi ES ;)

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