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Any ideas


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Then there's this one.

A true thoroughbred...

Now that is a shame, whislt the Disco bad doing that to what looked like a good series landy and do that, there must be some sort of law against that!!!

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I think we should enquire whether photos were taken during both builds, as the Tech Archives feel cold and empty without the genius of these two engineering colossi.

Stand aside Nigel, the days of 15mm plate have passed, behold the dawn of load-bearing checkerplate, and old-municipal-handrail!

Hello? Yes, taxi for one...

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The first one looks like the result of some weird Scrapheap Challenge parlour game, where the team leader is given the task but can only describe what he wants by telephone. I can imagine his face when they pulled back the curtain at the end...

"It's got most of the things I asked for, but none of it's quite what I expected...!"

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