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Landrover insurance(warning)


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Sureterm insurance offered me a low quote over the phone for my disco but said I had to pay so much at that moment.

A few days later a letter came from them confirming the price.

THEN the next day a letter came from a finance firm wanting more money for paying by instalments.

I rang sureterm to cancel the policy which was not due to start for another 16 days and they are going to charge me £30 for not having insurance with them.!!!

I suggest folk steer well clear of them.

Got back onto Lancaster (whom I was insured with before) and they found me a policy with Highway 4x4 for £146(as opposed to sureterms £213 initial quote that ended up a few pennies short of £300) and that cover includes greenlaning.

If anyones a member of another forum I suggest they copy this onto there to warn as many folks as possible.

These scams should not be allowed.

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That is strange I have found them (Sureterm) to be helpful, but like you say, I was disappionted with the payment sceme going through a third party lender, my added on interest was £70 above the quote, yet they were still cheaper than the others at the time, I have comprehensive and greenlaning cover, just not permitted to drive other vehicles. This is for a Disc 2 X reg.

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Hi Guys.

Living in NI people in the NILRC and I am sure most people who "drive something different" have trouble finding companies to quote.

I had a similar problem/case with the afore mentioned.

I actually found it cheaper to have ordinary insurance being a fairly standard D1. And will build up another batch of ncd's. Weird or what. :o

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CIS insurance did me over, as they sent me a policy through and confirmation of it being in place etc. Then when no money came out of my bank, I called them and they said that they had no record of me holding a policy with them :angry:

They didn't offer any compensation for their mix up and actually put the policy up!

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Sureterm were the only firm to cover my 110 in the barn when it was being build. I had no choice but to insure through them.

I told them about all the mods I was planning so it was all covered from the outset, but when the docs arrived they had not listed my milemarker. Called them back and they charged me another £56 to cover that.

Then told them I had added a private plate. Another £30 'to cover our admin costs and to update the insurance database'. Cr*p in my opinion, but I'm stuck with them now. NOT going back next year..... :(

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I told them about all the mods I was planning so it was all covered from the outset, but when the docs arrived they had not listed my milemarker. Called them back and they charged me another £56 to cover that.

Then told them I had added a private plate. Another £30 'to cover our admin costs and to update the insurance database'. Cr*p in my opinion, but I'm stuck with them now. NOT going back next year..... :(

In my experience the NFU would not have levied those extra charges, which together with the enhanced cover they offer (off road cover for example), ease of dealing with and generally being 'good eggs' makes them well worth the small extra premium.

When one cancels insurance with NFU they refund pro-rata rather than keeping most of the money.


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I have heard this several times about Sureterm. Ridiculous charges to update policies, large cancelling fees, mistakes with the documents that the purchaser then seems to have to pay to amend! Its all in the smallprint i suppose, but it still seems unreasonable. I certainly wont be phoning them for a quote. As GBMUD says, NFU are a pleasure to deal with and very helpful which makes up for a couple of pounds more on the premium (generally they are very competitive anyhow). The service from sureterm on the phone makes you wonder how they would be in the event of an accident. I would be quite confident the NFU would sort things out properly.........

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Sadly, it's afact of modern life, that any company can charge what they like as 'admin' fees.

I've just renewed my insurance, and went through the quote with a fine tooth comb, and made sure all vehicles were listed correctly, declaring what few mods each of them had. (this lowered my quote to a reasonable amount)

I then had the option to either pay outright, or by installments with a deposit.

The APR listed for the installments was nearly 30%, so I decided to pay outright, and not feed the children!

Moral - check the details and cover, shop around and put some money aaside each month so as not to have to scabble for the cash at renewel!

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Steer clear of Footman James. I ended up with renewal through them as they had bought out my previous insurers, Firebond, who were superb !

Their last question on the phone was - " do you ever drive off road ? " to which I replied an honest yes . The girl then told me that they couldn't insure me. Wouldn't give a reason either ! I voted with my feet (well, I didn't have a lot of choice did I ;) ).

So if you are looking for insurance for your Land Rover (an off road vehicle)


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Never again for me if I can help it.


Ditto, I ended up making a FSA Regulated complaint and taking it all the way before they admitted they were at

fault, and refunded me monies. I hear of others that are 100% happy with them, and I think its sometimes as to if

you get a part trained monkey, in a team run by a trained monkey but with no sense, who thinks all customer are crooks

so they get rid of them as fast as possible, or as I use - Academy In Slough - cover me IN WRITING confirmed with

every mod I have on the 90, premium is OK, I don't ever belive cheapest is best - in anything, and they ACTAULLY

know what they are on about, when I changed the engine to the JED 4.5V8 I phoned a few compnaies and got the "I @aint got

no button for them mate, it must be a 4.6" sort of nonsense, to "Enginners report on the engine" - which when I

asked what exactly an engineers report on an engine would look like unless he disassembled it got me a "Hold A Moment".....

"Nah, we won't cover it", Academy said "Ooooh, thats Niiiice :D "and just noted it as a mod, and no charge.

I tend now to stick with the compnany I have insured with for years, was snowball, now academy, but service is good, prices are OK,

but I feel confident that everything is noted properly. Adrian Flux, can Flux off, never ever ever again.


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Footman James insured my Gaz 66 for £140 fully comp. Bargain

Another vote for Footman James from me. I'm 18, have held my license for less than a year, and they insure my 1992 Defender for £980. Sounds alot, but it's cheaper than I could insure a small car for, something like a 1.2 Corsa :D

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This makes for pretty interesting reading.

Ask a group of Landy owners who they insure with and you'll get conflicting answers.

On a side note, SWMBO spent this morning renewing our house insurance. Our current policy renewel had doubled for no apparant reason, so SWMBO tried confusedmeerkat.com and got a few quotes that were nearly a third of what the current policy was. Phoned the company direct, and spoke to a wonderful chap, who went through the new policy step by step, and actually spent time making sure the policy was what we needed, and were happy with. Only then did we agree, and not only saved a few shillings, but had a pleasant experience.

I like dealing with humans, not machines. They can understand, and assist asopposed to select option 1 if you want to rip your hair out, 2 if you feeling like slashing your wrists in frustration etc.

So when I do our vehicle policy, I spoke to a lovely lady whose daughter has just graduated, talking through the options, getting the details right, and dealing with a human who can make their own descisions, not a computer which by definition, can only add 1+1!

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Another vote for NFU from me! Particularly their Henfield branch. They seem to know more about Land Rovers than me!


NFU for my 110 too, through their agent in Yoevil,always been good service when I've had needed to contact them :D

Si W. when you change to NFU, find & talk your requirement through with your local office/agent.

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