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laminova water connections help please

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Which aspect are you unsure about? AFAIK Water goes in one end and out the other, and the oil does the same :unsure:

sorry after re reading i realise the post is pretty vague.

what i mean is, what hose do i break into to feed the cooler at what point? do i run it in parallel to the rad?

parallel to the pipe exiting the cold side of the rad?

heater pipes are not great as they are at the front and the cooler is easier to mount behind the cab.

thanks dan

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sorry after re reading i realise the post is pretty vague.

what i mean is, what hose do i break into to feed the cooler at what point? do i run it in parallel to the rad?

parallel to the pipe exiting the cold side of the rad?

heater pipes are not great as they are at the front and the cooler is easier to mount behind the cab.

thanks dan

Think Automotive provided some instructions with my Laminovas (or is that Laminovi? - I have 2 :blink: )

They say "Ideally the whole engine water flow should pass through the unit but if this is not possible a partial flow may be obtained by teeing off and running in parallel with water radiator /heater matrix" It goes on to say about restricting water flow in the core might be beneficial in partial flow situations but this cause other problems and you would need to experiment.

So on new truck I'm building the water plumbing goes like (this is not tested yet):-

Engine (thermostat output)-> Radiator -> Laminova 1 (gearbox oil) -> Laminova 2 (Engine Oil) -> Water pump -> Engine.

On something like a Rover V8 Disco auto with standard oil coolers, the gearbox oil is on the hot side of the Rad and the Engine oil on the cool side of the rad.

So probably best to break in to the rad return pipe and run in series.

My 90 with a V8 in it has a doughnut type oil cooler in series with the heater matrix which works OK (The previous owner installed this) and it goes:-

Engine (heater output) -> Doughnut oil cooler -> Heater Matrix -> Water Pump -> Engine.

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