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buying stuff,

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I'm guessing most on this forum have a funny story about the supplier who just doesn't want to play nice and sell stuff .. .. I have been attempting to get a quote of a set of Terrafirma wheels with BFG mud tyres for a week or so, fired off a couple of emails to Terrafirma and Devon etc. etc.. not much joy, must be busy on important stuff. So it looks like Blindo and Cooper STT, I'm sure I shall be very happy.. if not a little disappointed that my business wasn't worth a reply. At least I'll be able to balance the alloys, as opposed to the slightly wobbly result I get from my bullet proof but alas unliveable with Mach 5's

When i originally fitted the kit to my 90: JJ Fearn, Patriot, firstfour, Mantec, Noise killer, David Bowyer and LRS really impressed with how much they wanted the business and how hard they would work to make sure I was happy. As for the couple of suppliers who really made things hard.. well, mostly, they are no longer with us. No surprises there then !

I'd love an Amazon / Ebay style system of marks out of ten for various suppliers.. then at least I won't be wasting my time on enquiries where my business isn't welcome !

Any takers ?

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Whilst in these days of internet ordering, ebay and so on, the expectation for many is next day delivery on anything - as oppose to days gone by when you sent a cheque off and waited a few weeks patiently for your goodies - I do think that there are suppliers out there that have forgotten that it's the customers that make the business happen.

I see no harm in naming and shaming poor service, but be fair, make it constructive, and allow the suppliers a second chance if they put in place measures to correct the issues raised. I use a couple of suppliers for model helicopter parts, one of which is absolutely excellent, and I put as much business their way as I can. Another once sent me only one complete thrust bearing when I ordered a complete set for a rotor head (2 bladed = 2 bearings), their excuse was that the girl in packing was new - fair enough, but at the same time, a friend who ordered a purple tail boom got sent a black one. Just how new do you need to be to get that one wrong?

Do remember to credit the good suppliers as well as slate the bad ones, and hopefully the standard will improve.


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I was having coffee this morning with a friend of mine discussing the demise of a certain spare parts company - and found we both had differing experiences!

Some people will seem to get far better service from one company, and terrible service from another, yet another person will find it visa versa.

With /regards to internet services,etc, I still think you can't beat good old fashioned customer service. Talking to a human who knows what they are talking about, and spending time making sure your purchase is the correct one. But sadly, that adds cost to the total, where as pressing 'buy it now' takes a few clicks, and not much human involvement.

I'd rather buy something from a company whom I feel are looking for my repeat custom, and understands what I want, as opposed to being sold something.

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I was having coffee this morning with a friend of mine discussing the demise of a certain spare parts company - and found we both had differing experiences!Some people will seem to get far better service from one company, and terrible service from another, yet another person will find it visa versa.With /regards to internet services,etc, I still think you can't beat good old fashioned customer service. Talking to a human who knows what they are talking about, and spending time making sure your purchase is the correct one. But sadly, that adds cost to the total, where as pressing 'buy it now' takes a few clicks, and not much human involvement.I'd rather buy something from a company whom I feel are looking for my repeat custom, and understands what I want, as opposed to being sold something.

Please let it be Britpart!

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Sometimes it's hard to keep on top of everyones requests and requirements - and occasionally you drop the ball, no matter how hard you try.

For some reason, over the past two years, the market has become very sporadic with days where you get no phone calls or orders and others where it's just manic. When it gets manic, you tend to concentrate on the orders which are quick & easy and leave those which require a more detailed response until you have the time.

As you say, peoples expectation is for the goods to arrive next day which puts a lot of pressure on time to get everything sorted by the time the couriers collect (12:30pm in my case).

I'm not making excuses for companies who do not provide good service, but I can easily see why two people may have differing experience of the same company.


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The main problem that arrises from internet shopping is suppliers advertising stuff for sale that they haven't actually got, then not telling you a friend of mine still has stuff on back order from febuary because the supplier is waiting for there stock from bearmach supposedly.

But they have there money in there bank account earning them interest! hardly fair, if they haven't got the items you should not be able to advertise them forsale end of story. They should be labeled out of stock.

The worst experiance of my life has been with Devon 4x4 and i won't be using them again

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The main problem that arrises from internet shopping is suppliers advertising stuff for sale that they haven't actually got, then not telling you

That's one of my pet hates too. There are also too many companies who take an order, order it from Brit-mach then send it to you when it eventually arrives. You might as well order it directly, save money, time and grief.

I built an on-line stock control thingy for X-Eng which will only allow you to order if there actually IS stock of the item. It seemed a bit hypocritical to hate it but allow other people to be a victim of almost the same thing on X-Eng.


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That's one of my pet hates too. There are also too many companies who take an order, order it from Brit-mach then send it to you when it eventually arrives. You might as well order it directly, save money, time and grief.

I built an on-line stock control thingy for X-Eng which will only allow you to order if there actually IS stock of the item. It seemed a bit hypocritical to hate it but allow other people to be a victim of almost the same thing on X-Eng.


I agree Si, but I do think it's worth adding a backorder option. For those that are happy and have the patience to wait they can order and buy then and receive it automatically when you do have stock in. Not sure if it's easy for you to do this is the back end but it's something I'd prefer the option to have.



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Well a pretty good rule of thumb for me is, the more money you spend on somthing the longer, more hassle and damage there is to it, by the time you get it weeks after ticking the "24hr" delivery box.

I will say this a lot can be said for phoneing people up - especially to follow up an email.

Nowadays inboxes get so full with spam mail etc. it really does detract from it being a usuable communication device.

I'm only 27 and I think that sales people are very much about themselves and less about giving a service. Unfortunatly they have us by the balls as we need them for spares and as much as Land Rover spares are resonably common, it is still quite specialised.

Having said that, there are quite a few exceptions to the rule, where you still get quality parts and service.

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I agree Si, but I do think it's worth adding a backorder option. For those that are happy and have the patience to wait they can order and buy then and receive it automatically when you do have stock in. Not sure if it's easy for you to do this is the back end but it's something I'd prefer the option to have.



I like the backorder option. It could be displayed in stges like the windows egg timer showing the customer exactly how long until made by the sections of the timer.

For UK manufacturers we could have the egg timer and for those opening containers from China, they could shown portions of a container ship :)

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Land Rover too are not immune from delays in sending stuff you ordered.

In April, a new backdoor and Dixon Bates towing setup were ordered from Land Rover,and it took nearly two months for all the bits to arrive.

(I will point out, it was the garage who ordered the bits,hadit been myself, I wouldn't have paid theirprices, but gone elsewhere.)

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I have completely stopped buying with emails now. 80% are unanswered.

If I need something, I phone and speak to a real person and ask questions like "do you have it in stock?"

Hurrah for technology! :)

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I have completely stopped buying with emails now. 80% are unanswered.

If I need something, I phone and speak to a real person and ask questions like "do you have it in stock?"

Hurrah for technology! :)

but some people work shifts meaning they can't get to a phone during normal hours so have to resort to this ;)

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I agree with Top90, but alas one of my favourite suppliers has closed,so no more exchanging choccy biscuits for bits for my Land Rovers.

When it comes to purchases, it always pays to do some due dilagence and research. Check prices, suppliers, phone around etc. And then go to your chosen supllier.

The old addage "Why doesn't (a certain PC manufacturer) sell in shops? So you can't go back when it breaks and scream at them. (No you ring an 0900 number @£1.50 a minute to speak to someone whose 12th language is english!

Customer service, may take a little time, but pays dividends in repeat business.

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Being some 12,000 miles away the internet is the best way to order parts etc. Unfortunately my experience with ordering parts for my Discovery TDi has been very hit and miss. For some reason it is dealing with companies that end in ....ddocks that has been frustrating. Of late they are not returning enquiries about suspension lift kits, not a huge order but costly from my end. Still waiting after a month but somehow I don't think they will.

This is a shame as ordering parts for my BMW motorbike from the UK is always a pleasant experience.


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I agree Si, but I do think it's worth adding a backorder option. For those that are happy and have the patience to wait they can order and buy then and receive it automatically when you do have stock in. Not sure if it's easy for you to do this is the back end but it's something I'd prefer the option to have.

That's what I had originally. The trouble was, no matter how clearly you said when the goods would be dispatched - that was the first thing people forgot. I had too many angry calls from people who thought pre-ordering still meant they would get it next day!

I decided that this was more damaging than the current 'send me an email when they are in' button. On the whole that works quite well.

If I can think of a way of making it clearer - maybe a daily count-down by email - I'll wheel out another version!


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