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RDX easyfit plinths.

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While on my pre-1994 they still required cutting to fit, the plinths made things look much better overall. I'm wondering if Boltonbits is the sole-supplier for these (1. they don't have stock 2. there were issues having them send them outside the UK/Respond to Email at all).

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I think AJH means NAS light plinths - the easy fit ones have a joggle in the sides, the standard sides are straight. That means you don't have to enlarge the holes in the panels to fit NAS lights. AFAIK, Boltonbits is the only source of them.


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On 1994 or newer no, on earlier the holes don't line up, the cutting is minor, though I wish I'd done the rear cappings prior to re-galvanizing them but I didn't have the plinths at the time. If Boltonbits is the only supplier I guess I'll have to wait.

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