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HI Guys any 1 know the setting for a 2.4 / 2.5 VM engine. I have to replace the gaskets & 3 out of the 4 heads, BUT am struggling to find any info on the subject. Torque settings timing settings etc etc. Please help MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.blink.gifblink.gifblink.gifblink.gif

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The most recent info that I have found is on www.cambouis.com. Click on Land rover and there are several topics about the VMs.

It is in french but the numbers and pictures are the same !!!

Be certain that all your cyl heads are the same height or only cats whisker different if not the bridging pieces between heads will be at an angle and risk not pressing evenly on the two heads or end supports.

Brief resumé of sequence is : CENTRE BOLTS 1st stage, 30 Nm in order shown starting at centre

2nd stage, 70° starting at OUTSIDE (2nd pic)

3rd stage, 70° as above ( ie total 140° in 2 stages)

Outside bolts Manifold side 30Nm then 85°

Injector side 30Nm then 85°

Retightening: Run for 40mins and let cool to 45°C : CENTRE Bolt by bolt slacken then 30Nm and 130° in order shown starting at outside (3rd pic)

Manifold and injector sides check at 85Nm without slackening.

After 15,000miles tighten centre bolts 15°then manifold side 15° then injector side 15°.

My VM is at 16,000kms since rebuild with 1bar boost at 1800rpm when towing 3 tons and has not let go yet.

PM if you want more translation of the article. Good Luck.

PS The 2 bolts under the bulkhead are b*****s to tighten and No 4 head is always 1st to let go!!!!!

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