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erratic power steering

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Hi there, really looking for some help, I am fairly new to Land Rovers (still have a moderate balance at the bank) and am a fairly competent mechanic but baulk at welding.. I need some help with my power steering.

I have a 1990 110 CSW 2.5TD which has its issues but generally runs well. I have noticed that if I am driving around a large roundabout and then exit left, the steering becomes massively heavy and then seems to release and take up normally. This is erratic but seems only to be after turning onto or almost to right lock and then back left again.This ONLY happens in one direction, turning back left from full or almost full right lock. Any ideas?

I don't seem to have any unsettling fluid leaks, one of the down pipes from the reservoir is damp but no drips and the box doesn't have any leaks that are obvious. I have bled the system (no apparent bubbles appeared) and while stationary and with the engine running, I have gone lock to lock several times. When I do this, the steering turns normally full right and if I then turn back left, the steering is very heavy although if I back off the pressure slightly and then begin turning left again, it all operates smoothly!!! There is a hissing noise from the steering when this pressure is felt which stops when the steering is operating normally.

Any ideas would be gratefully received as I don't want to buy a replacement box if it is another part of the steering, the steering seems normal and without hiccup when being used gently, i.e normal drifting around corners etc and there is no visible leak from the pump.

I have lubed the cv joints and they don't seem to be sticking.

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I'm no expert at this (even though I have a zero bank balance :( ) but I would suggest that it sounds like the pressure relief valve at the extreme end of travel is sticking open briefly, so after you get to full lock (it will operate) then when you come back the other way, it should close, but it doesn't (the hising) and effectively you have very reduced power assistance, hence its heavy until it closes whal all is right with the world again.

Does that make sense.

Not sure how easy it is to change the pressure releif valve though....



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