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Wierd starting pause required

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Ok yet another twist............ Better half left lights on with hazards got literally 3 mins - got back into truck turned on ignition, writes for glo light, turned to position 3 result no starter no crank no fire. Repeated with same result

Turned off allnlight and repeated result was reluctant start but fine ever since

Does all this sound still like an earthing issue ???

Have checked the following but add there other earthing pts on 90 300 tdi??

Battery earth to chassis crimp to gearbox housing

Earthring wire collection on lhs of upper bulkhead

Earthing wires from start solenoid to chassis

That's all I ve found so far ......

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For the starter all you need is a strong earth from the starter connection bolts to the battery, that is achieved by the starter to chassis earth and the battery earth to gearbox, so long as those are sound you can rule that out, also check the positive cables are all attached to the starter and battery, there are several that go to the starters main terminal (alternator etc) just check you haven't missed any out.

When you tried to start it, I take it nothing happened, not even a click? Make sure the solenoid wire is giving voltage when you turn the key, and that the connection to the starter is clean and solid (Wd it aswell)

If neither of those explain it then it must be a faulty starter, happened to me, brand new starter, died the next day so I went genuine, no problems since.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well it did not last. The problem persists - after a night sitting outside put key in ignition turn wait for glow plug light to go out- turn and get just a click. Not a solenoid starter click but just a key turn click. Return key back to start and try again and it cranks and fires and starts

So in the process of trying to sort this we have had

New battery

Cleaned earths and new earthing

New starter

New ignition barrel

What else could it be...... Culprits may be glow plugs ..... Or the immobiliser which came with the mecklock clutch isolator ???

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