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200TDI Issues.


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I'm hoping someone will be able to shed some light on a problem I'm having. Things were running strong last week but a couple days ago (coincidentally I filled up with the Ultra-low sulphur diesel for the first time just before this started so it may be related) suddenly I started getting what felt like fuel starvation at high-rpm (I'm going to guess at around 2500rpm or so) where things would studder. It has gone back to normal, and then the problem has returned at least twice in the last 48h. Something I noticed today is if I use engine-braking then press on the accelerator pedal I get blue smoke for a second, otherwise only a small puff on startup as usual.

The lift pump was put on <5000km ago and so far seems to be performing correctly.

The fuel filter was changed this afternoon just in case.

Without more detail, does anyone have some ideas on what it could be? I have some ideas but would like un-biased opinions before offering them up.

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I think I had a bit of luck. While checking the fuel sender I realized I had not drained the sedimentor yet, when I did red blobs came out with the diesel, removing the bowl revealed more of it. No clue what it is or how it got into the fuel but removing it and cleaning things seems to have cleared up the issues.

How often should one be cleaning the sedimentor and changing the fuel filter on these anyway, I've only done 7500km since getting it back on the road a couple weeks ago so I wouldn't have expected that much carp to be in there yet. Hopefully that was the only cause of the issue and my longer drive tomorrow should confirm it.

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If you don't have one the big crud that it catches will block the filter instead, same result in the end but you go through more filters vs cleaning out the sedimenter.

Good to know this now though, it's always fun getting to know all the quirks of a new vehicle, let alone a new and 'exotic' fuel one. (as you know the only small diesels over here are the VWs and the 6-8L pickups).

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Yeah, the number of people here who believe they need to be able to tow a float with an excavator on it with their pickup truck is pretty crazy.

On the other end, 200/200/TD5... come on Land Rover, put some guts in the Defender and fit the TDV6. Why have they always fitted something about 25% less than was needed... if the 200/300TDI had been 3L instead of 2.5 we'd all be happy now. :(

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Well, 2.95L then, it would still mean a more 'relaxed' operation and only moderately more fuel use depending on tuning, but of course speculating on why LR does what LR does requires a lot of beer to be productive, so next time I'm over, drinks are on me. :)

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