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Warning Parking in London seriously damages your truck!!

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Must admit I cant really add anything extra to above comments.

Certainly looks like crane operator didnt have a clue what he as doing.

Certainly think the HSE should have a look at the operating proceedure!

Pity they couldnt do that to illegally parked vehicles. Like the Mazda sports car I saw parked on double yellow lines at a bus stop That deserved lifting!!



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"Certainly looks like crane operator didnt have a clue what he as doing."

A few years ago we watched them try to tow away the lighting companies small truck parked outside a venue we were working in....it was full of lighting racks, they connected up the crane pressed the button....and the front of the tow truck came of the ground and the lighting boys van didnt budge!

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Only advise to add to the above is to check the SWL (Safe Working Load) of all the shackles, chains and gantry used on the lorry to make sure it was not exceeded when lifting a 90! <_<

Goes along with the HSE side really.

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Where WAS the ticket then? If it was on view, why did they ticket the 90, and then try to lift it away?

That is what I am interested to know too...

But even if they claim the ticket was not visible, he still has grounds against the towing contractor for the damage.

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BTW i want to know where the glovebox is on my truck???

My best bet is to call the Evening Standard and ask... They seem to know more about the trucks that we drive than we do. They are journalists after all, and have to report in an honest and unbiased way...

(Or is that only in my dreams?)

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I'd agree - even if the ticket wasn't visible there's no reason to cause that much damage. Regardless of the ticket issue, they must still be required to exercise reasonable caution to remove the vehicle. Nothing can justify that amount of incompetence.

Les. :(

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Slightly OT and I don’t know if it is still valid.

This was explained to me some years ago as a legal customer protection clause.

Every pay car park has a large sign at the front stating that they have no responsibility for the anything that happens to your vehicle on their property, owners risk and all that.

However if they charge you to park on their property then they have sold you a service, part of that service is a duty of care to protect your property.

This means that by using the sign “owners risk” etc. the parking company is deliberately misleading their customers to stop them from even thinking of demanding compensation for damage/theft as a result of using their car park.

Nice huh

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i think the best way to persue a claim is through the vehicles insurance underwriter... as they will chase those concerned to hell and back to get their money.... it will rumble on for years though.

i hope someone got the HSE down there to look at that lifting gear... and make sure they throw the book at them, that operation broke just about every rule going... with any luck someone will lose their job over it, because they certainly deserve it.

things like that make me realise that paying for fully comp insurance through a proper company is worth every penny. :)

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Every pay car park has a large sign at the front stating that they have no responsibility for the anything that happens to your vehicle on their property, owners risk and all that.

However if they charge you to park on their property then they have sold you a service, part of that service is a duty of care to protect your property.

This means that by using the sign “owners risk” etc. the parking company is deliberately misleading their customers to stop them from even thinking of demanding compensation for damage/theft as a result of using their car park.

My impression of that was that it was to indemnify the owner of the carpark from claims for damage that you do to your vehicle because of something they failed to provide. For example, a failure to provide a even, sound surface produces a pothole that you either drive into and damage a wheel or fall into and break an ankle.

In the Tombraider case, I would have thought that the Council will be liable because they failed to ensure that the recovery firm who was working on the Councils behalf, was capable of doing the job safely and within lifting regulations and HSE guidelines. By pre-contract audit, the Council should have confirmed that the Tow truck firm only employed competent people and used certified, appropriate equipment. The owner of the Tombraider played no active part unless he had attached the stropes, provided his authority to remove or parked in a safety related passageway. (which he obviously didn't!).

Just my humble opinion...

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That looks like a right bummer!

Just tell him... imagine how much compensation he could get for all that very important, job-dependant work he had on the laptop that broke. He'll need compensation for that!

Also they need to pay up for a tank of derv, and a spray-job for the whole truck to deal with the panels that had the paint damaged by the derv and other noxious substances coming from it.

Screw 'em for all their worth, and he may end up having effectively free parking forever!

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i think the best way to persue a claim is through the vehicles insurance underwriter... as they will chase those concerned to hell and back to get their money.... it will rumble on for years though.

i hope someone got the HSE down there to look at that lifting gear... and make sure they throw the book at them, that operation broke just about every rule going... with any luck someone will lose their job over it, because they certainly deserve it.

things like that make me realise that paying for fully comp insurance through a proper company is worth every penny. :)

Thankfully no-one was injured. Imagine how much sh*t would have flown if a pedestrian or the tow vehicle driver had been injured. Not particularly good press for poor old LR either!

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Have just heard from the guy whos truck it is/was.

The ticket was on the dash .........until the truck was lifted....then it landed on the passenger seat!!!!

Camden have the same system as we have here in the former People's republic of Islington with silly little tickets that resemble bus tickets! The tickets don't have an adhesive backing, so you're just supposed to leave the thing on your dash. A good breeze or a mouse fart and lo and behold your ticket is on the floor out of sight of the yellow peril! :huh:

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i think the best way to persue a claim is through the vehicles insurance underwriter... as they will chase those concerned to hell and back to get their money.... it will rumble on for years though

Be warned if you do this then they fail to get payment it will go against you as an own fault accident.

I got hit in my car twice, exactly :( a year apart, once by an uninsured driver and once by a hit a run driver.

A further year later I had an accident which was my fault but for less value than the others. when I looked around for new insurance I was told that I was uninsurable due to the number of own fault accidents I'd had.

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