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Fuel tank safe wiring & plumbing


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I'm looking at getting a new tank make up for the 109, in the past we've kinda cobbled stuff together from whatever's around and it's usually worked out OK, but it'd be nice to do it right if possible.

The main thing is finding electrical cable, hose, and bulkhead connectors that are happy to live submerged in fuel and, in the case of the electrical connectors, make a fuel-tight seal to the outside world.

I know stuff is available from people like ATL, for £eeeek, but there must be a source of suitable bits for sensible money? Tefzel cable looks like a reasonable start, but there's nothing I cansee that explicitly states it's happy being submersed all the time in unleaded.

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Here's one take on it, which is good but not overly elegant with 3/4 wires to connect:


It would be nice to find a through-panel connector that is fuel-safe and can be sealed, likewise some suitable wire.

ATL sell exactly what I want, CFD-520, but $140 for a connector is taking the wee.

The gland/grommet idea is valid, although I still can't see anything in various spec sheets about which materials (Nylon, viton, buna, polyamide, etc.) are happy living in fuel and which will disintegrate, which is a useful thing to know for various other reasons too.

Edit: Bowie, I plan on using a "standard" pump but not a LR one as they're pricey, there are Ford, Vauxhall and Subaru in-tank EFI pumps all over eBay for £20 which do the job, for that money I can have a spare on the shelf. I'll probably use a stock Series sender, whatever's cheapest.

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Wodger, got ya :)

Next question, can you not nick whatever they use in Ford, Vaux, Scooby fuel tanks to do your bit?

Or... you could just bring the wiring out the tank breather :)

Or say sod it and buy genuine and have a spare for £20: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Landrover-Defender-V8-3-5-EFi-Petrol-Pumps-2-off-1-New-/290493578161?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item43a2c43bb1

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Wiring out of the breather, or rather a separate fitting potted with fuelsafe loctite, has been done and does work. It's just that it'd be nice to have a proper connector on the top a-la the OEMs.

Due to bad experiences I don't really like Rover pumps, they're not overly reliable and seem to die/gum up if left out of the tank for any length of time. TBH the pump bit on the end is fairly universal (in shape if not performance) across most cars, give or take the bracketry.

The standard hose conectors etc. these days are usually moulded plastic requiring a proprietary connector which you can't buy and which isn't really designed to be diy'd.

Is "polyester?" fuel proof or is that a guess? :unsure:

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Zim - Yes I do, but not sure what a swirl pot has to do with it :unsure: if I go to in-tank pump it frees up the space under my seat, simplifies wiring & plumbing, and gives me a quieter & more reliable fuel pump rather than the current external lift+pressure setup I have at the moment.

The swirl pot would probably get ditched as it wouldn't serve much purpose if the pump's sumberged in fuel all the time.

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