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Quite enjoyed the scrapheap challenge at Eastnor, but then we did win it :D

A twist-off ramp, good variety of trade stands, autojumble, sufficient space for clubs to pitch up, decent toilets, pole-dancing tent, greenpeace stand... :rolleyes:

Mind you, there seems to be about 6 different LR shows this year and I'm not sure how many more we need, there's only so many times everyone is going to wander round a field looking at the same stuff they saw a few weeks ago. One down south would be good but I'm biased.

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it needs to be better than the dire one that LRO put on at the three counties show ground last year, had no atmosphere, and was just dull... total waste of time going... :(

Am going to Billing this year, and might try the Live promotions one in Peterborough in September... i liked the LRO ones in Peterborough, but as always, LRO managed to F**k it up somehow.... :rolleyes:

for me a show needs lots of good trade stands (no junk or unrelated tut) lots of autojumble, arena stuff to keep people entertained, decent of road course, and lots of visitors.... :) B)

why do you ask Pete, are you putting one on... ;)

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Pole Dancing

If he is I'm there :D

Amyone on know anything about the Dunsfold Show in Sept

Other than what is on the website, no.

There is the Bromley Pageant, which is for classic cars, but series vehicles would get in without any problem. It is not dedicated 4x4 show though, so hasn't got off road course etc.

Were appearing at the Pageant, and possibly at the Dunsfold Show, other than that, we're going to try organise a local car show to raise money for our charities (near Caterham), if anyone is interested?

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It's a good question, and I'll be surprised if it hasn't been asked and answered many times before...

Been to Eastnor and Gaydon so far this year.

Gaydon I thought was a nice little show with a good atmosphere, but there wasn't enough to see or do there. Trade stands were small and not varied enough. Autojumble was almost non existant :(:huh:

Eastnor was superb, I loved it. There was a good selection of trade stands there selling all the stuff I was after. There was also a bit of autojumble :D Bumped into lots of people and generally had a nice time. Don't think I would have been too happy if I'd been a day visitor and bought something heavy tho as the car park was miles away!!! :o

There were plenty of club stands too, not just the usual big ones from the series and camel clubs, but local clubs too which is always nice to see.

We all know that Billing is going to be "THE" show to attend, but in recent years there has been so much bad stuff happening there, things getting stolen etc etc, I'm not sure if I'll bother this year. And I don't particularly like LRE either :o

For me, a good show shold include a vide variety of traders... but none of that completely non LR related stuff like wicker baskets and pink fluffy handcuffs that were at Peter-bog-horror last year. :o

Autojumble is a must! The more the merrier! I love rootin around in boxes of junk, it's where you find those illusive bits you've been looking for since you started that revovation job 10 years ago!! :lol:

A good arena display... I liked the "Scrapyard challenge" thing at Eastnor... But then I'm biased too 'cos we won! just a shame it was so much quicker than everybody envisaged :lol:

Club stands are also important. It's the clubs, both local, national and international that help to keep the whole Land Rover scene alive and kicking, without them it would all get a bit boring IMHO.

A good lively beer tent and some evening entertainment like the last LRO at Peter-Bog-Horror is a must!

Oh, and the pole dancing would be interesting, but if Luvvers had a go, I think I'd have to look away!!! :lol:

So basically, what we need are a couple of shows a year that combine all the good bits of all the shows rather than having loads and loads of diluted shows... yeah?

Dan B)

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The ideal show would be Sodbury over a weekend and with the clubs & traders that turn up to the others.

u sure u're talkin about a lr show john?

Well you don't ask you don't get <_< they had 'em roaming freelance at Glastonbury :D


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Thanks for your replies so far, what about time of year, how many days, only LR or other 4x4s what type of entertainment?

What was that Scrap heap challenge about? It seemed to be fix, but I enjoyed the LRW show.

@M@tt :)


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time of year?????? mmmm... not sure, needs the chance of good weather, so idealy between easter and august bank holiday.. thinking about it, an early one around easter might be nice... :)

i like the weekend ones, old sodbury is brill.. but too short.. its nice pitching up on a friday, and staying until sunday.. but every show ive stayed at for the whole weekend i've been marshalling or on recovery duty, so not sure if i'd get bored doing nothing all weekend.. :rolleyes:

as for just LR or other makes..?????? dunno, there are a lot of Landrover shows now... (five that i can think of) so maybe let some of the opposition in... <_<

don't think it realy matters actually, i think keeping the unrelated tat out, not robbing people for food, and running some realy good entertainment in the evenings is as important as what shape the grill badge happens to be on some of the vehicles.. it'll always be Landrover dominated anyway. ;)

as for daytime entertainment, i've no interest in watching muppets like Jerry Thurston rebuilding some old heap, i'd rather see some stuff that actually interests me... the Dakar rally truck at beaulieu 4x4 show is a good example... i'd never get the chance to see something like that... if you want to lower the tone, then girls in bikinis on quad bikes, or monster trucks might get my attention ;) (god i'm such a redneck!!!)

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Guest diesel_jim
she'd get splinters in all sorts of places using that pole :rolleyes:

Hang on little girl.... i've got some tweezers in my swiss army knife..... B)

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I'd like a show that had disgusting toilets, filthy showers, over flowing rubbish bins, 'security' guards that actually did something other than bugger-all. I'd like to see lazy idiots using their truck to go anywhere on the site, and use their vehicles to barge through members of the public.

It would be nice to have any trader selling any old tat that some fool might buy - irrespective of the fact it has nothing to do with L/R's. £4 for a bit of cardboard with onions in a stale bap, Anal retentives from the promoters trying to convince us that they are supplying what we really need.

But then that's what we have at present = Billing.

'Live Promotions'? Dead from the neck-up more like! Every show they have anything to do with suffers because of it. They halved the available space already allocated to the EMLRA at the LRO show two years ago. Not because it was packed or anything like that, I guess they wanted people to have a nice long walk between displays.

Billing is the best, but it's still rubbish, and it's not like it would take that much to make it 100% better.

LRE are you listening?

Who are they then?


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At Goodwood last year the Bowler boys were giving rides around a course..... that wouldnt be a bad idea?

At Gaydon there was the inter club challenge.... that was quite fun.

LRO a few years ago they had the G4 challenge.... (we was robbed werent we Tonk????)

I also get a bit fed up with the tat stalls, the price of food, and the lets get the series 111 club to rebuild a heap.

And there are more LR related Celbs that i am sure could be found to come along????

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Ideally, turn up Friday and stay till Sunday. Billing IMHO is waaaay too long now, it seems to go on for about a week. Since they only allow "national" clubs in now we were looking at grabbing a bit of campsite as an unofficial club area but we'd have to turn up nearly a week in advance to stake our claim and no-one can be arsed with sitting around at Billing for a week waiting for the rest to arrive. I may go along, but only if Will comes up with those Scrapiron T-shirts ;)

The Scrapheap challenge was basically two old Series that had been disabled in certain ways and we had to get them up & running & drive round the ring. It was good fun but I think Health & Safety were involved because the stuff was all relatively basic, there was no jacking allowed and the faults were all pretty fiddly. We were expecting to be re-assembling axles, stripping engines, etc. we even bought all our big hammers special like :D

The original plan aparrently was to have us doing more stuff and having to go and search the Autojumble for parts (with a bit of a kitty for parts) which would've been a right laugh. We were going to try and blag a set of Simexes on Mach5's from D4x4 :lol:

Did I mention we won it? :D

Agree that non-LR stuff in the arena is a waste of time - I'd rather see an open-all-day twist-off than a dog display. Or even each club getting 5 minutes in the arena with a few vehicles - it seems there are more interesting vehicles on club stands or even in the car park than the stuff they showcase at shows. Restored Series 1's and blinged up 90's are fine but there are some total one-offs dotted round that many people wouldn't notice/realise walking past.

Other makes - bring it on, LR stuff isn't the end of the universe and you never know what you'll see on some other motor.

I'd like to see a winch-off too, all it needs is a big heavy thing to act as an anchor, a load cell rented for the day (or borrowed from Andy) and a few people with winches they want to try out. Oh and probably a big safety exclusion zone! Wonder if any of the winch vendors would attend or they'd chicken out of actually doing a straight comparison?

While we're at it - what about a mobile rolling road in the arena? I'm sure that would get a few people interested, and it'd be great to have a few loud V8's run up to full chat. Paging Mr Barker... ;)

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so come on then Peter... are you planning something then?

Have you managed to get all the mags together to talk about having one mega-show? ;):blink:

Be nice if you could stay at the show until the monday... always a bit of a bind having to break the stand down, then drive home after a hard days socialising, especially when you have to tow a stonkin great big trailer!! :D:lol:

June or July would get my vote, but I haven't really thought about why, it's just generally the nicest weather! :lol:

D B)

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How about late May, with a kite fest same venue 15mile Off road track plus 2acre extreme Off road area, plus a few other extreme sports Rock climbing wall, cycle track etc,

100acre site, camping etc.

Any ideas?


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