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Defender 200Tdi Acceleration problem

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A few weeks ago I ran out of fuel with my Def :( Since then I have a problem with the acceleration in 4th an 5th gear. It works well on lower rpm, but when I push down the accelerator, he starts to shake and loses power. Last weekend I changed my fuel filter and bleeded the system, hoping the problem would be solved... But it still doesn't run properly. In the lower gears (1,2 and 3) there are no problems even in higher rpm

Does anyone have a clue what the problem might be ?

(excuse my English writing... I'm belgian and try very best in writing english)


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Thats a strange one Max! Im guessing that perhaps running the tank very low disturbed some muck and pulled it through the fuel line. I expect it shows up more in 4 and 5 because you are using more power / fuel in the higher gears? I would check that the lift pump on the engine block - the thing with the priming lever - hasnt become blocked and is restricting your fuel?

Is is a factory fit 200 TDI?

Your English is fine!


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possibly the pick up pipe in the tank is partly blocked or the lift pump is not as good as it should be at higher rpm, might be worth removing the fuel pipe [from tank to lift pump] & blowing it through from the engine end back to tank,which will require more bleeding aftewards, if there is anything in the end of the pipe it will hopefully dislodge or it's a tank out job to make it's all clean & good inside the tank.

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Yes it's a factory fit engine (december 1990) I bought it only a few months ago. It has 230000kms but was rebuild a 180000kms by the previous owner

Is it easy to check or clean this pump ? When I changed the fuel filter it worked fine(operating the lever manually)


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possibly the pick up pipe in the tank is partly blocked or the lift pump is not as good as it should be at higher rpm, might be worth removing the fuel pipe [from tank to lift pump] & blowing it through from the engine end back to tank,which will require more bleeding aftewards, if there is anything in the end of the pipe it will hopefully dislodge or it's a tank out job to make it's all clean & good inside the tank.

Yesterday I blew the fuel line through, but with no final result. For a few kilometers he drove well, but after a while he began to shake again. I suppose there is a lot of dirt in the tank. Tuesday next week the tank goes out and will be cleaned completely... Hopefully it'll work


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blowing it through from the engine end back to tank,which will require more bleeding aftewards, if there is anything in the end of the pipe it will hopefully dislodge or it's a tank out job to make it's all clean & good inside the tank.

Should not need bleeding the 200 and 300 tdis are self bleeding engInes

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I changed my filter last week, and there was no dirt in the bottom. Up to now I had never drained the filter..

As a novice I'm still learning and a bit confused : by bleeding you mean getting al the air out of the fuel system and draining the filter is loosening the little white cap at the bottom of the fuel filter ?

I think i'll take up Reb78's advise and first try to change the lift pump first.

When I changed the fuel filter last week, I bled the system (air out system), and the lift pump was working (manually atleast, altough I had to push the lever very low to get some pressure)

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Eh? Should I be draining my fuel filter? I've never drained it, didn't realise I had to. How do you drain it?

on the bottom of the filter is a [normally] white plastic nut with a stub tube moulded in to it, unscrew but don't remove, allow a bit of fuel to drain then retighten, it's meant to let any water out of the filter, I haven't done mine for ages, but it hasn't affected the engines operation at all.

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This evening I changed the fuel lift pump and.... problem solved ! He drives again like he should ! :)

Is it normal than you can't fit the heat barrier delivered with the new pump ? There wasn't one installed in the old one, so I didn't fit it (was also impossible as the bolts were too short...)

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This evening I changed the fuel lift pump and.... problem solved ! He drives again like he should ! :)

Is it normal than you can't fit the heat barrier delivered with the new pump ? There wasn't one installed in the old one, so I didn't fit it (was also impossible as the bolts were too short...)

Good job!

As Ralph says the spacer is not meant for all engines - IIRC its for the early diesels that dont have the spacer block built into the casing. If you had fitted it, the lever on the lift pump wouldnt have engaged the cam it runs on and it would likely have still not run properly.

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Well, I cried victory too soon.... :(

Yesterday we took the Def for a 100Km roadbook trip and after a few kilometers he did it again. 1,2,3th gear are Ok, but when I reach 60km/h in 4th gear, the problems appear : strong vibrations, loss off power until I reach 80 km/h then the vibrations disappear, but with changing into 5th it starts again.

The strange thing is that he only does it in high gear, when ofroad and in low gear there isn't any problem (even in high rpm)

Could it be possible that there is a tiny air-leak somewhere, (fuel line clamps, injectors, other ???) and that is is causing the problem ?

I'm clueless ! I hope i'll get him back into shape before I take him for a trip to the UK in March !

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Ok, but the it was solved after I had changed the fuel lift pump, and came back after a few days ? Or was this just a coincidence and have I been looking at the wrong place all this time ?

In fact this isn't a fuel or engine problem then, but a problem of vibrations due to the broken UJ ?

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