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Beastie - continuing saga

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Checking for oil leak this morning found valve cover loose. Took it off to see if anything amiss and nothing seems wrong. Checked tappets and apart from few minor adjustments seems ok. Also checked and cleaned cyclonic breather as suggested. Used paraffin but gave couple hours and a good shaking to try and dry off. Checked new turbo hoses & all seem OK. Put it all back together (tightening valve cover bolts firmly) and started it up. Holy Moley! Clouds of white smoke (need to replace front exhaust downpipe LOL) which just kept coming. Ran on tickover for minute or two then stopped engine but could not see anything odd. On restart it didn't really want to but did. Lumpy & quite unresponsive to throttle. More white smoke.

Not sure whether to try and take for run down road to see if it clears or if this should all be telling me I am in the sticky brown stuff!

Any suggestions most welcome since currently feeling a tad nervous!!



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If ye can take it to a garage and get them to check and see if there are any gases in your cooling water which will tell you if the head gasket is gone or even a cracked block.

Dip your oil and see if there are any signs of water or you could drain it and do the same check.



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Thanks. Oil seems to be OK. Just tried starting her again (now dark so less alarming to neighbours). Started but still lots smoke smelling quite strongly of what I assume is diesel. Press throttle and no engine speed up. Do not feel it would have the power to move off in gear.

If white smoke smelling diesel then reading suggests unburnt fuel which in turn suggests timing off (I think), but how could timing go off so suddenly???

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Garage would be my advice, but not one trained by BL/Rover, after my joys with another BL finest Rover 3500SD1. Mine exhibited a light brown wax in the oil filler, a light blue sea floating on top of the coolant top up header tank plus the white smoke (without Messrs Blackmore, Gillan, Paice, Lord and Glover). Ashen faced and squeaky bottomed, for fear of my MD discussing abuse of company property, I went to the local BL zoo to talk to the monkeys.

With a friendly arm over my shoulders and tying my shoes up at the same time he uttered the line "nah they all do that mate we just stir in that waxy stuff and siphon out the header tank". Not so convinced I crawled to my local independent old boy who did my wife's cars who suppressed a little snicker and had a look. 15 mins later his initial guess was cylinder head gasket gone, one cylinder seal poss gone and the temperature sensors for the ECU buggered.

Buoyed by this escape from having to explain driving techniques I went to trusty Motorola phone and with said brick in both hands rang boss to say ECU failed and car a bit sick. Initial stab was wrong two cylinders had no seals but new ECU set of sensors gasket head skimming added up to three grand and this in 1988.

I can't see temperature probes on the ECU being an issue unless lukewarm is a critical level for a 90/110, the others probaly not good. Suggest have a look for immiscible liquids trying to get it on in places they shouldn't be. If they are being virtuous then I ain't got a clue ..............nothing new there then .


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Check the oil filler cap for ice cream if that is OK you may have lost compression in one or more cylinder. I doubt that the timing will have moved if it was running OK before but not impossible.

Depending on how confident you are that the timing has not moved you could let it run till up to temperature and see if that makes any difference.

If it has a turbo check it has not blown.

If glow plugs are not working it will start with difficulty and run rough till it fires in all cylinders but if compression is fine that should not take it long.

What engine do you have?

Someone will come along with more checks for you to do with any luck..

Frax ;)

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Thanks. Will check oil filler cap in morning but it was 100% ok before I first started it this morning, which gave all the new issue of snmoke. Loss of compression sounds a possible but instinct says all connected to initial fault (earlier thread) which seems to have been problem with intercooler pipes. If deid turbo how would I tell? Sorry if it is obvious!

BTW it is a 200Tdi so no fancy electronics. Am hoping it stays a 200Tdi and is not goosed!!

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what engine is it?

Lot of people referring to head gasket but you would certainly be getting pressure in the header tank ( alot more than normal)

if its a 300 or 200 with usual injector pump could be down to an injector or timing as they can move etc. . I would check timing first,

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what engine is it?

Lot of people referring to head gasket but you would certainly be getting pressure in the header tank ( alot more than normal)

if its a 300 or 200 with usual injector pump could be down to an injector or timing as they can move etc. . I would check timing first,

Beastie is a 200Tdi. as per his sig line Blue 90 200Tdi (1991)

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200 should fire in this temp, even bonnie scotland, without glowplugs warmed up. mine fires until -8 DegC on the first turn if i forget that it has glow plugs , daily driver citroen and saab no warming time, then gets a bit lumpy. Paraffin could be possible cause but should have gone quite quickly BBQ only smokes for a mnute tops when drowned in it

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Thanks guys

I think I will re-check valve clearances as suggested when get opportunity (currently sleet with snow falling over Pentlands - though nothing major, but I have to work outside!).

It is possible I got them wrong and quick easy fix if so. Otherwise I suspect I must have pushed the effects of some other failing a bit further along the line. When I saw valve cover loose I thought perhaps something had been hitting it and loosened it but no signs of anything like that - seems odd that it suddenly loosened on two of the three holding bolts so reckoned had to be pressure of some sort.

Failing that I will try working through western's chart.

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Valve clearances spot on but still loads of white smoke and little power. Managed to get her out of the drive (so up a decent slope) but did not feel like chancing a run without fog lights :-)

Now to find a garage man to see if he can pinpoint what needs done.

I had hoped it might have been my sloppy valve adjustment:-(

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Thanks. Oil seems to be OK. Just tried starting her again (now dark so less alarming to neighbours). Started but still lots smoke smelling quite strongly of what I assume is diesel. Press throttle and no engine speed up. Do not feel it would have the power to move off in gear.

If white smoke smelling diesel then reading suggests unburnt fuel which in turn suggests timing off (I think), but how could timing go off so suddenly???

Ok, wild thought here - when I did my tappets I read somewhere that its not advisable to turn your engine backward (and if you think about it its quite obvious - you get the same effect when you shift down a gear on your mountain bike then try freewheeling the chain the oposite way, the spring of the rear mech starts to spring, anyways) as you could get some slack build up in the belt... as the system is only really designed to run one direction (where all the pulleys are etc.) if you had turned it back a bit as you do when your trying to get TDC on one of your cylinders, could on the last tapped you turned the engine backward which could have main the timing belt bunch up at the wrong place (as it would just take up slack in the tensioner) then when you went to start it up it could have jumped a tooth on the fuel timing pulley... hence the weird occurance of the smoke after doing the tappets??? am I talking bull...?

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