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300tdi lift pump


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I have noticed that i have got fuel leaking from the lift pump. Does this mean it time to replace? or has the gasket gone? not to clued up on the fueling side of things. I have noticed a slight lack of power and more black smoke. mpg has gone out the window bearing in mind its leaking. any help would be appreciated.



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It depends on where it is leaking. If it's leaking from the union where it joins the plastic pipe, either in or out, then it might just need new olives or some PTFE tape around the screw threads. If it is from the casing (like it was with mine) then a replacement is really the only option.

However, if you do have to get another one, try to get an OE or a Delphi one. Don't mess about getting a cheap one or you will probably be replacing it again very soon (although Sh*tpart are doing a 2 year warranty on all parts, but you can't polish a turd... :lol: )

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It depends on where it is leaking. If it's leaking from the union where it joins the plastic pipe, either in or out, then it might just need new olives or some PTFE tape around the screw threads. If it is from the casing (like it was with mine) then a replacement is really the only option.

However, if you do have to get another one, try to get an OE or a Delphi one. Don't mess about getting a cheap one or you will probably be replacing it again very soon (although Sh*tpart are doing a 2 year warranty on all parts, but you can't polish a turd... :lol: )

Lol, Now you mensioned it, I did notice fuel sitting on the casing. does it join together in to halfs then or would it of split? I have found a delphi one on ebay, looking at about £30.

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Mine was an original pump which I had only just put in to replace my older pump with. It was not new, but I knew (or thought) it was a good'un. The outgoing pipe had started to leak where it was joined to the main body of the pump which was a shame as it had loads of vacuum and the car ran a lot smoother with it than with the older pump. It was fine when I first fitted it, but as time went on it was getting harder and harder to start and power was down when the engine was cold. I did have a fuel blockage issue before hand which was the reason I changed the pump in the first place.

£30 is about what I paid for a Delphi pump from JGS 4x4 on ebay and although it is a different shape to the old one, it fitted OK and works a treat. I would highly recommend JGS 4x4 as I found them to be very helpful.

The only reason why I would pay a bit extra for one is because I am getting very tired of trying to save a few quid on cheap parts (although AllMakes and Bearmach seem OK) only to have to either replace the part again or to have to modify it in some way to make it fit. You can get a pump for under £12, but why waste that time and money?

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It depends on where it is leaking. If it's leaking from the union where it joins the plastic pipe, either in or out, then it might just need new olives or some PTFE tape around the screw threads.

Where cam you get new olives from? My replacement came without any.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Just to bring this back up again. I have just put a new lift pump on my 200tdi, and now it is leakiong at the union. How do you change the olives?? as mine seem firmly attached. Do they just slide into the pipe end??



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You will probably need to hacksaw (carefully) through them to loosen them off. There is a thread in the Tech Archive which explains all on a 300, don't know if a 200 is different?! However, if the olives are used you'd best replace them. Are you saying the olives are on the pump or the engine-side pipes?

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