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New Battery


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Silly question no doubt, but as I have bever had to do it before on any car. Is there any perticular way that I should change the battery on my disco. it's a n Reg 300tdi auto. I was looking at getting a Yuasa battery, anybody had one of these, its all my local place sells and the price is okay, just wondering about them working in cold weather.

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I've got a Yuasa in mine, never had the slightest problem with it and as you say the prices are good for what they are. Disconnect earth last and reconnect it last, saves getting a belt if you inadvertantly short from live to the bodywork or clamp.

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I've got a Yuasa in mine, never had the slightest problem with it and as you say the prices are good for what they are. Disconnect earth last and reconnect it last, saves getting a belt if you inadvertantly short from live to the bodywork or clamp.

Not wishing to upset any one but I would disconnect the earth first.

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Okay may have done something stupid now. Got my new battery fitted, went for the Yuasa battery in the end Bought one with the terminals the whong way around. No problem i thought I'll put the battery in the other way and there must be enough cable to stretch. Now comes the silly bit. The negative cable was cfastened to the car itself. So I undid this giving me loads of room to move the terminal to the right of the battery, but I didn't reconect the negative lead back to the car. Now when I got in the car this morning. Its starts first time, go to select drive and the car stalls, not only does it stall but the clock resets itself. So no battery attatched. It did this twice before I got the car to actually move. Both times I just put it in P and the car would restart. So my question is what have I done and doe the negative lead need to be fastened to the car.

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OK, silly question time, why didn't you buy the correct fitment battery?

'Does the negative lead need to be fastened to the car?' -Yes, very well. I'd suggest you went and got a proper battery for your car and refit it back to standard. If you have the negative lead dangling I'm surprised it started...

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I thought I did. The battery has the termainals on the right side I just forgot that on my old bettery they were on the top of the battery and the new ones on the bottom. Can't I just try to refastern the negative back to the car. the onle other battery thay had was by someone i had never heard off called Super Start.

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