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Welding gas suppliers?


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I want to upgrade from little disposable bottles but BOC's cheapest monthly works out at £73 a yr just for the bottle so gas on top and extra charges like signing up etc.

Online companies will send bottles out with a deposit of £50 on them which will be refunded when back(minus £10) so every new bottle costs about £76 to my door www.weldinggases.co.uk for Co2

So what do people on here do?

Iv heard if your canny might be able to sort a pub bottle of Co2? And in the past fire extinguishers could be refilled etc,

Or any Good places in Devon do refill bottles so save on the courier costs?

Many thanks


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Try your local welding supplies place, they will usually be doing gas or know of somewhere which significantly undercuts BOC.

My local place for instance gives you a medium-size bottle for about £100 over 3yrs(hire, deposit, testing etc), with refills costing £30 or so. But they don't advertise it very well for some bizarre readon! (BOC mafia? ;-) )

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At the risk of (re)starting a favourite argument, don't use CO2, use proper argoshield.

I use BOC, the charges aren't that bad - I work on the basis that £75 a year saves me a lot more by being able to weld stuff myself, and the medium bottle (short but fat) will last for ages on a single fill unless you're welding all day every day. I've never found anyone who can significantly undercut BOC for the same product.

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I do wonder how much cheaper that eBay one really is - just looked up my cylinder, it's a size Y, which is 40kg / 5 cubic metres of gas, costs £75/year + ~£30 per fill, not sure how much you get in that 9 litre bottle.

I don't know how the two compare but depending on how much gas Duncan uses it works out far cheaper than disposables (about the same on the first one with the £50 deposit) and avoids the rental that he doesn't want to pay.

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Air Liquide are now doing non-rental bottles. They're still a bit small (11litres, 2.5 cubic metres), but that's 42 disposable cylinders.

There was another place in Wales that had non-rental 20litre bottles, but they were closed over the Chrismas holidays when I was over. Found it: http://www.weldinggases.co.uk/index.php?_a=viewProd&productId=5


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Jeff-that link to www.weldinggases is the one I mentioned in my first post and thats even more for argoshield.

I started off on Argo/20%Co2 and found it rubbish so I swapped to pure Co2 which I find pretty good, But after a chat to a gas supplier he suggested I try the Argo/5% Co2 mix as thats the one recommended for general car use and the 20% is for 6mm+ heavy work.

So I'll try a disposable 5% first to see how it goes, But atm


seems the best Argo/5Co2 9Litre is £36 a refill with no delivery costs etc.

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Check the fill pressure (or gas volume) of the southwestgassupplies. If they're supplying Adams Gas cylinders, then they're only filled to 137bar (for a total of 1.2 cubic metres).

The Air Liquide 11litre cylinders are filled to 200bar (2.5 cubic metres), as are the weldinggasses.co.uk bottles (probably about 2.4 cubic metres for their 10litre bottle and about 4.8 for their 20litre).

So the bigger bottle from weldinggasses looks to be about 4 times the gas for a bit over 2 times the cost.


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