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De-cat pipe with just the silencer.

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I finally got around to removing the cat and replacing it with a straight-through pipe.As a result I can feel the turbo spooling earlier and i'm able to go through the the gears more quickly,the only downside is the increase in engine noise,that's why I was wondering whether a replacement down pipe exists with only the silencer ?

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I've only removed the first section,so there are still 2 silencers left the noise level has moved up a notch- it's not unbearable.I've been doing the same trip to work for a year with the def and i know religiously the exact parts ot the road where I change gear,since i replaced the cat i'm moving up gears much sooner it's really weird I'm now going up gradual climbs in 4th instead of 3rd logically I should get improved mpg although it's too early to say yet.

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is the noise really bad ? i want to do the same and am hopeing that it give an improved exhaust sound.


I have removed both CAT and Silencer leaving only the small box at the back end.

Along with the already mentioned performance improvements I have a whistle from the turbo and a slightly raspy exhaust note. Has been through MOT since without problem and I actually quite like it.

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Hi I had a Def 300tdi which had a cat (the down pipe with a flex section and the cat, and a back box on from that) I removed the Cat / down pipe section and replaced with the Paddocks replacement and found it to be fractionally noiser, but the improvment in 'pick up' and economy outweighed a slight increase in noise . . . . Which gave it a slightly deeper noise which i quite liked :)


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Yeah right-I would never go back to the original set-up but would like to find a way to reduce the noise level obviously the cat served as a muffler as well,if I used some kind of lagging on the down pipe would it help reduce the noise ?

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Do you mean noise while sitting in the vehicle, or noise while standing behind the vehicle?

exhaust sound out the back, mine got a nice turbo whistle and id like to improve on it, plus from what im led to believe removeing cat etc improves driveability.


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