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Spitting Feathers with NFU Insurance

andy robinson

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bringing this to the top again as I've just had my NFU renewal through and surprise surprise the cost has risen appreciably. As a result I've not only been doing a bit of online quote chasing but also making one or two phone calls. Interestingly I've just come off the phone from Frank Pickles who say that they can't insure my Puma as it's too new and does not have enough 'offroad' modifications , apparently the Southdown steering guard and Mantec RAI doesn't count. Apparently becuase the vehice is nearly new it would have to go on an ordinary car type policy and in their words 'we would not be able to supply a competitive quote'.


My understanding is that they use Flux for cover anyway :blink:

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If you are paying too much with NFU then you might be interested in this extract from their 'Summary of accounts and review 2010' which all members should be getting along with their voting papers and details of the AGM. Thrown yours in the bin yet???

I have highlighted the relevant parts...



Lindsay Sinclair must've been working real hard last year! :blink:

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Friends from Europe have been telling me that it works bit little bit differently over there - not sure how many countries this applies to thou....#

You have a compulsory yearly insurance that must be purchased by the 12th of Jan each year. Small value - say £40

you get a sticker that is attached to your number plate. After this its the VEHICLE that is insured, not the person. So it does not matter who drives the vehicle - they are insured. This is a basic insurance that only covers vehicle and personal damages to the innocent party and the owners personal insurance. It does not cover the damage to the vehicle that caused the accident.

after this you could purchase an additional insurance - tailored like ours that offers same cover. Calculated on (what I understand) same criteria as UK (age, vehicle type, ....)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bringing this to the top with a cautionary note:

I got my renewal in February? It was like many others grossly higher so I told them not to renew by phone. Thought that was that.

Fast forward to today, the SOB's have still been taking the monthly payments and havve come back to say they have trawled their system for my calls to cancel and they say they can't find my call and will be keeping the £100 odd quid of my money .FU.

They of course haven't send any additional policy documents out to me but that counts for nothing. They say they can't find my call so I am stuffed. Won't be using them again

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We were with Admiral for the RaRo and the wifes Corolla

Renewal came in at £800.

Frank Pickles got the RaRo to £250, with better cover than Admiral. Off road cover etc. Lancaster wanted £309, no off road cover, NFU wanted £1500 :blink:

Sheilas Wheels got the Corolla to £188.

Bit of a difference.

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Sadly, even I, the stalwart defender of NFU, have been hit by an increase of over 100% on my Defender and 80% on the van - both as commercials with class 1 business use and full no-claims.

I did a fair bit of ringing round and the most I could save was £30 between the two policies. Most value insurers, even if they insure Vans, don't seem to insure them for proper commercial use.

It's easy to see why the number of uninsured drivers is increasing so rapidly. I don't condone it - but I can understand it.


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From my sources in the insurance industry accident related claims are down 30% this year so far, confirmed by the vehicle repair body shops reduction in repair volumes.

The reason is people are driving more frugally to save fuel, leading to fewer close shaves and bumps.

Overall motor fuel consumption so far this year is down 14%, so people are making fewer journeys and driving with less haste.

The motor insurance should make a killing this year with the higher premiums and lower repair costs.

Apparently they have collectively been making losses on their 'motor book' for a number of years.

I have also heard that some in the industry are going to put repair work out to tender in future rather than contract renewal , putting the repair sector under further pressure, given that many of the larger volume driven operators do little better than break even.

It is the personal injury claims that have been a key factor in the premium increases, pushed by greedy lawyers.

That behaviour is nothing new.


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I contacted NFU last week and gave them another opportunity to reduce the premium hike on this years renewal invitation otherwise I'd be taking my business elsewhere. I just received an e-mail response saying they've cancelled the renewal and that's after I've been with them for years :rolleyes:

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'It is the personal injury claims that have been a key factor in the premium increases, pushed by greedy lawyers.'

I have a family member that has just had to use the 'greedy lawyers' to take an insurance company to court. I don't like the lawyers but after several years the insurance company still hadn't paid out any money for an accident that was 100% the fault of their client resulting in permanent spinal injury, loss of mobility, heavy medication and inability to work. They have shown no inclination to provide any payout. They also pulled the usual trick of removing his damaged vehicle without his consent, scrapping it before settlement and then low balling him on its value. It is one of the large well known companies who, if they had met their commitments as insurers as they are obligated to do, would have had a hefty bill but otherwise no problem. Instead they are on the wrong end of a Mildly miffed off judge who has had them in his court too many times playing this game. His situation is apparently far from unique. If you are an individual and hurting then it seems that the only way to get the insurers to take small man seriously is to employ one of these lawyers. It is that or just give up, roll over and accept your loss.

Greedy lawyers, maybe, but they are only able to exist because of greedy, crooked insurance companies - it is we the motorists who suffer.

Ahhh, that feels better.

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It can be worth trying different branches of the NFU - as the varying offices seem to be switched on at different levels; don't know how much the price varies though!

My insurance is never going to be cheap. I have 4 cars with NFU, and have always had good service from the Reading/Theale office.

I like the fact that the policy is comprehensive with regards to European travel and towing among other things. I can make changes very easily (no admin fee), no mod is too much and can talk to the same people each time I call.


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We got our renewal for the Defender last week, it was £376.00 up from £270 last year, so about a hundred quid increase.

Initially i was a bit annoyed and was ready to call and give them a bit of grief, but after a chat with a very helpful, pleasant lady at the local office and increasing the excess to £250, we got it down to £330.00.

I was fully intent on having a ring around to see if we could get a better deal after our planned weeks holiday, but then we had a bit of an incident;

On the way to the nice weeks holiday, the P gasket decided to fail, leaving us with a big puddle, a very unhappy wife, three very unhappy german shepherds and a non functioning Landrover, luckily we had breakdown cover with our insurance, so after speaking to NFU we had a mechanic out to check it, and then a recovery truck to take us back to the farm. During all this I'd had a frantic call around and arranged to borrow a friends 56 plate Laguna estate for the week to save wasting our holiday fixing the landy. so after another call to NFU we got the Laguna covered as a temporary second vehicle, with the exact same cover as we had for the landy, for the princely sum of £12!

At all times the service we got was spot on, they did everything they could (or everything that was in the policy anyway!) and i couldn't have asked for a better experience.

So after all that will i be phoning around to go anywhere else for insurance? no way. for us, they're worth every penny.

I've just got to spend the day fixing it now... Oh joy!

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Hi all,

For the last 4 years I have swore by NFU but I too have just had my renewal land on my doorstep.

How about an 87% increase from £212 up to £397!!!!

Since got a quote for same cover off Adrian Flux for £165

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I have just been doing the rounds for the policy on my Freelander. I am currently with Direct Line and their renewal was £581 (based on 3 years NCD). As I was previously with NFU, I gave them a chance (with full NCD - as it was earned on a separate vehicle) - £920 or more!

In the end I went with Sureterm Direct for £280. I think I've got a bargain there as the next cheapest quote on moneysupermarket.com was £585.

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"Regrettably though there still appears to be a growing breed of ambulance chasers... and it is this that probably makes up the volume of claims."

Bumping almost your entire customer base by what seems to be from 50-100% premium increase is a lot of money which would mean dealing with a LOT of court cases. Even with out of court settlement that is still amount to a lot of Personal Injury lawyer claims being made. The ambulance chasers are not that prevalent yet. How many people do you know that have actually employed them?

I lived in the US for more than a decade. In the sue happy land that invented the PIL, where someone's insurance HAS to pay for medical treatment and insurance comapanies maintain a legal department the size of the UK governement to counter the ambulance chasers they still manage to keep insurance premiums low.

Again, if the insurance companies met their basic obligations their would be very little market for ambulance chasers. I think someone's inventing excuses to gouge.

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The person I spoke to agreed with the number of personal injury claims (which I don't have too much of a problem with for the reasons already stated) but also said one of the big problems is the number of uninsured drivers.

They, because they have little to loose are more likely to be involved in accidents which have to be settled from Comp policies as the uninsured loss compensation fund is rarely sufficient, if you can get it at all. This combined with the drop in premium income pushes up the premiums for everyone else. This in turn makes people think it's worth the risk of going uninsured - so becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

The combination of the two is making motor insurance unprofitable with even the current premium levels and that there is a crisis looming in the whole motor insurance industry. Not quite sure what the crisis entails from our point of view, other than frequent future increases in premium.

Reading between the lines, I get the impression that they have decided which groups of people are likely to keep paying regardless and are loading them disproportionately to their risk profile.


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I have a feeling this will only affect the law abiding majority - when you forget to insure a vehicle while you are fixing it or whatever.

Everyone else will just worn, scrap or register it with someone else's details!

Big brother strikes again!


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It is the personal injury claims that have been a key factor in the premium increases, pushed by greedy lawyers.

That behaviour is nothing new.


Hi John

the vast majority (but, admittedly, not all) of PI firms are claims management companies regulated by the Ministry of Justice and not law firms regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (and previously the Law Society)

Most of these claims are sought after and processed by 'experts' in this field. Many often have one or two in-house solicitors but most bring in panel solicitors on occasion to review cases and/or attend court.

Not all lawyers are greedy. Some are yes, but please do not tar my entire profession with the same brush.


John :)

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Well NFU will be losing my business for both cars on 2nd July as premium went up by almost 100%. 2005 TD5 Def90 with mods and 2010 Skoda Superb 2.0 Elegance 4x4 Estate.

Reason cited by local office was that all 4x4's have gone up significantly due to higher number of theft claims.

All of the points about costs of insurance rising are valid, but miss the glaringly obvious point that other insurance companies seem to be still competitive. NFU may have good service, but for me that is not worth £550 a year extra.

So unfortunately they'll be losing my custom too.



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