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galv chassis spray ?

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Right, new galv is almost "non stick" it actively repels paint over time. You need to buy paint that is designed to overcome this.

What you are after is "special metal primer" designed for galv, aluminium, and the like. Hammerite do some, as do dulux. Another name is "etch primer" and is available from car spray shops, and halfords.

The dulux stuff is the cheapest, I think, and I prefer this for alu, as it sprays nicely and is a proper primer.

Then you can paint a good chassis paint over that.

Please don't use hammerite, as it is too tough, doesn't flex with the chassis, and water gets behind it.

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  1. T-Wash (mordant solution)
  2. Etch prime
  3. Overcoat(s)

Without the first step it just won't stick. Special metals primer is worthless in my opinion, I used it on my 90's last (galv) bumper...just peeled off after the slightest knock.

I'll second that, did my new chassis last month as described. Looks too nice to use now !


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