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Main beam

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Hello all,

I'm wanting to install a set of spot lights on my 1996 Defender110 and have heard somewhere that the original wiring to the head lights is not adequate and needs to be up-rated if installing spottys, I don't understand when installing the spot lights they come off a separate circuit other than the initiation of the main beam, all the draw will be through the switch if taking the feed from directly behind the high beam switch surely? If I need to up-rate the head light wiring has anyone done this and if so how did you go about it?

Thanks for reading, hope this makes sense!


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The last time I did this, I wired them through a relay from a decent capacity fused live feed, then just took a feed from the main beam circuit to drive the relay coil, also took the lamps earth return direct to chassis too, this way, it keeps them independent of the original light wiring and with no need for an extra switch.

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You only need to uprate the wiring if you're drawing power from it, and doing so to run more lights would be daft.

As said, use a switch & relay with its coil fed from the main beam and then take the actual power from a separate fused feed. Spotlight wiring has been covered here 100's of times so have a search, there are threads with full circuit diagrams, relay pinouts, wiring colours, fuse ratings, etc. etc.

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Thanks everyone, as soon as i posted this I found the topic covered very well by Dyna VT, From my understanding there is no need to up-rate the head light wiring if your putting spottys on, if you only use the existing main beam for the feed to to relay coil and take the load from say the air con wiring and fuse this? is this right? thanks for input!! :-)

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