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twin carb or single???


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It's a modern way of typing to fellow Youffs on a PHONE innit?.... This however is an internet forum where (some :ph34r: ) sensible people lurk.

I reckon that even using it on a phone these days is pointless as it came about originally to get round the 160 max character limit on a sms, and also save time before predictive text was invented.

With these new fangled "smart" phones you don't have the character limit and I find it actually uses more time to put in a stupid acronym rather than type the proper word... ;)

I personally don't care how you want to type your message- but if it looks as un-decipherable as that last post you won't likely get many responses to your questions. :(

So please take Fridges friendly hint and type in a way that all of us En-ger-lish speakers can understand. We are friendly, and we do want to help- but we don't want to have to squint at the screen thinking "what the..f**?" :blink: :blink: to do it.

If I wanted to do that I could go and read some obscure forum in Dutch, or French, German, Swedish... (you get the idea) Or I could talk to my 18 year old brother! :D :D


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It's something I plan to do to mine, but having read several accounts of attempts and all of them never being complete, I don't want to start the project until I can finish it...if you know what I mean!

It's something I want to do to my 2ltr as well mate. Megasquirt weekend?! :ph34r::lol:

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Why make things so complicated , a properly tuned SU will be nearly as efficient for the purposes of this engines use as going to single point EFI . It requires a small amount of fabrication . and can be relatively cheap to effect. It is very low maintenance as well.

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Its getting to the "properly" tuned bit that megasquirt wins hands down at- no mucking about with needles, dashpot oil etc- just plug in your laptop and go for a few runs in your best suit.

You'll also save fuel by being able to more accurately map a proper lean cruise, and make use of fuel cutoff on deceleration...

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Good for you Nige ;) I won't answer questions in text spk!

Anyway........ back on topic :)

I'd be interested to see a nicely set up & running Su conversion. The 34ich on the 2a is ****e! it runs nice but on a trial it's tempramental & will sometimes die just when I ask for power, leaving me having to beat it with a branch. :lol: It also kangaroo's on the road but I'm not convinced thats the carb.

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Good for you Nige ;) I won't answer questions in text spk!

Anyway........ back on topic :)

I'd be interested to see a nicely set up & running Su conversion.

I've got the ACR su kit on my engine and it works very well indeed, twin su's are not needed just more to go out of tune.

I have since picked up a set of bike throttle bodies and have been onto bogg bros for a manifold.i have been going to go megasquirt when a unused v8 conversion kit came up complete with engine which i have now bought and now i dont know which way to turn :blink:

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In response to landy-novice- the SU has (I believe) a bigger throat diameter so will allow air to be drawn in more easily than the Weber.

Aside from that the SU has literally only a handful of components compared to any other carb so they are easier to maintain and tune. Once tuned they will then hold that tune a bit better than most.

Just google for an exploded diagram of a Weber 34ich compared to an SU HIF and see the difference...

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hi philbet, i take it you got this.. it looks good, but for some reason i would prefer a twin Weber set, don't know why!! :blink: but whats it like when it comes to fuel? it would be tempting if i hadn't spend so much on my 34ich!! and when i saw the megasquirt kit, i almost passed out!:huh:

and hello quagmire, i see what you mean about the parts, more things to go wrong eyy!! im not sure but does the weber needle/jets always get blocked up or is that just a myth?? cheers james

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I had a blocked jet a couple of times on my Weber, but then I have also had crud make its way into the SU's on my v8 and cause me grief so i'd say it doesnt suffer anymore than any other carb- fellow forum members may be able to advise more on what they have experienced.

Fitting an inline filter should stop all that though, and is something I really should do. :lol:

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I've got the ACR su kit on my engine and it works very well indeed, twin su's are not needed just more to go out of tune.

I have since picked up a set of bike throttle bodies and have been onto bogg bros for a manifold.i have been going to go megasquirt when a unused v8 conversion kit came up complete with engine which i have now bought and now i dont know which way to turn :blink:

I totaly goosed the engine in my first 2a so the only sensible option was v8 :ph34r: which gave me twice the power & 30% more mpg. If you're not fussed about originality & want performance it's a bit of a no brainer?! :rolleyes:

The misses's 2a which we have now is too good to muck up so we just need a carb that works.

Got any photo's?

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and hello quagmire, i see what you mean about the parts, more things to go wrong eyy!! im not sure but does the weber needle/jets always get blocked up or is that just a myth?? cheers james

the jets get clogged in the weber 34ICH because they sit at the bottom of the fuel bowl sayin that it is quite easy to clean them out as they are easy to get at ( or doing the suck thing with your hand usually does it ) I havent had any problems with mine since I fitted an inline filter

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but for some reason i would prefer a twin Weber set, don't know why!!

Is it because since joining you've ignored, argued with and/or failed to understand all of the advice everyone's given you?

Or something else? :ph34r:

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freezer, whats the point in that comment?!?! :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:

I obviously can't answer for FF but it would seem to me that you have repeatably been advised against fitting a Webber yet persist in wanting to do so...

My advice would be drop the thread and fit one if you realy want to (and can figure out a way of doing it), won't improve the performance but hey ho :rolleyes:

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