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Tub crack...thats not meant to be there

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That looks like a layer of filler that was covering a previous repair, that has perhaps been cracked by the spare wheel hitting the rear quarter panel when opening the door.

I vote for body filler as well, lots of it it seems............

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Dont they use a thick coat of primer or spray stopper stuff first and then spray over with body coat and lacquers in the factory finish.

I have got pollyfillable cracks in my side panels and was suprised just how thick the primer coat was.

You could always have it artexed :P

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I would take the light cover off inside the tub and have a look at the back of the panel, that should give you an idea what the dent/depression is like.


I'll do that tomorrow, i did have a quick look before, but I may have to take the wheel arch liner out.

Cheers Guys


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Dont they use a thick coat of primer or spray stopper stuff first and then spray over with body coat and lacquers in the factory finish.

I have got pollyfillable cracks in my side panels and was suprised just how thick the primer coat was.

You could always have it artexed :P

As far as I'm aware they don't use any stopper at the factory, look at the lines of spot welding and rippled panels, we are talking Defenders here and not hand leaded coachbuilt limo's ;)

As to the OP's question I agree with the others that it looks like filler, mind you that does not mean it's a bodged repair as filler is commonly used in the trade.

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Looks like cracked filler/stopper to me and probably means a repair at some time in the past. To be honest I think you are going to end up with a cracked or rippled/dented finish without spending silly money!

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