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Turns but will not start

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After having rebuilt my 200tdi 90 finally done the electrics all ok, engine turns over fine but doesn’t seem to want to start. It tries but doesn’t quite manage it yet I can smell burnt diesel. The engine hasn’t run in just under a year now as the rebuild has been more extensive than dreamt of to start with, but the fuel is fresh in today. The engine was running fine before the chassis swap, my first thoughts are: the tank was obviously drained when we did the swap perhaps their maybe an air lock in the system if so how do you bleed a 200tdi

Or has anyone else had this after an “engine out” job?

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Might just be lots of air in the fuel system. There is a primer lever on the fuel pump. Crack the bleed screws (there's one on the filter, don't know about the injection pump) and pump it until you see uninterrupted fuel flow at them (catch it in a rag...obviously) at which point it should start after a bit more cranking sees fuel to the injectors.

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If your rebuild included engine work, then you could have a timing issue, either cam or injector pump. If you did not do the engine, then it's fuel or air (less likely) starvation. With the key in the "on" position, can you hear the lift pump humming in the tank under your seat? Start there and work your way forward checking the diesel line, filter/s, into the injector pump. Loosen the banjo at the pump with the key on is there fuel coming out? Loosen the lines at the injectors and crank the engine, there should be leakage at each injector. If it gets fuel, it will run.


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There is no electric in-tank pump on a 200Tdi, just the mechanical/diaphragm pump in the side of the block. With the bleed screw on top of the filter loose you should see plenty of diesel escaping when the pump is operated - either on the starter of with the lever under the pump (the cam must be in the right position for this to work!). If there is bubbles from the bleed screw you have air in the system, bleed it all out or find where it is getting in if it will not bleed. There is generally enough flow through the fuel return to bleed the pump/injector lines. You might try cracking off the nuts on top of the injectors to allow air out but BEWARE the VERY HIGH PRESSURE there!!

The stop solenoid is connected is it? Does the voltage drop at the solenoid when the starter is turned? You should get 12v when the key is set to 'run' or 'start' and 0v when set to 'off'.



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try filling the fuel filter with diesel, i did this on my engine swap, started up first time, ran rough for maybe a minute and then cleared itself of the air (i think 200s are self bleeding pumps)

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So, any news?


Hi Chris and all,

Tried bleeding the system from the pump through to the injector pipe unions and was quite alarmed that very little diesel came from the disconnected pipes when the engine was turned over :unsure:

I checked syphon tube that draws fuel from the tank and it was clear, I replaced the fuel filter and tried again, the filter filled with fuel so it was getting that far.

I have decided to re-check the wiring as I think there could be a mix up with the wiring as suggested above by Les.

It will be next weekend before I get chance to have a proper look though It could even be a mixture of an air lock and wiring fault as I foolishly turned the key without any fuel to see if I had the ignition wired correct about a week ago and just pumped air instead of fuel..doh

Just a little concerned that If I have got the wiring all "a about f" and It does start how can I stop it?

One of the confusing things is that the original engine replaced with the 200tdi before my ownership was a petrol unit and now the engine bay seems to have a fair few wires without any function relating to the 200tdi engine or coresponding to the wiring diagrams of either. I think the best tip anyone could have given me is use non fade magic markers when marking up the tape on the wires when you take the engine out.

I will let you know how I get on.



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It will not start without 12v to the stop solenoid; remove the power from the solenoid and it stops. (as long as there is nothing wrong with the solenoid of course!) Be aware that many ignition live sources go to 0v when cranking the engine so if you have connected the wrong wire it will not start but would run.

If the fuel pump will fill the filter but there is no apparent fuel at the injectors then either your injector pump is not turning or it is not pumping or the fuel stop solenoid is not opening. Or there is some blockage between the lift pump/filter and the injector pump.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I tried all the things suggested but the old 90 still wouldn’t start so I swapped one of the wires round on the ignition barrel turned the key and she started first time without hesitation or a cough… perhaps that will teach me to check the obvious stuff first DOH....Anyway so happy now….. :D:):D:)

Thanks everyone for the help

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