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Td5 SLS problems .


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A friend in the trade is having problems with an o3 Td5 Discovery which came to him with the air suspension gone completely down .

Having checked fuses , relays etc he found that the compressor would run given an independent supply . But even running it made no attempt to lift the Disco .

He then scanned it with a Launch and found that the suspension seemed to think it had coils fitted . THis would probably explain why compressor etc not working .

Using the Launch prompts he changed the setting to air suspesion ; still nothing worked and when he scanned again it thought it had coils again !!!!

He doesn't know what 'investigations' the owner had done before it came to him - he said he had checked all fuses for example but a few were found to be blown .

As he has very little dealings with Discoveries 2 things are puzzling him :

1) how did the setting change from air to coil and

2) why does it change back to coils again after he sets it up for air .

At this stage would he be as well to hand it over to a dealer ? or could there be an explanation for the above .

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Launch is the Launch X431 which he has been using for a number of years and is very satisfied with it .

I know Land Rover tend to be inaccessible to some scanners - I was even surprised that the Launch would change the setting from air to coil etc . But for some reason it reverts back again.

I am quite sure there is no Nanocom or Hawkeye around - so the dealer may be the only option .

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when using Nanocom 1 it is advised that after each diagnostic session that the alarm is armed and then disarmed

before checking that changes have been made. May be worth a try with your kit?

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I would say it has been "coiled" following a suspension fault (you change the setting in the ECU as part of this) and then somebody tried to change it back to air but didn't know what they were doing. I've never heard of Launch but it is an easy thing to change on Testbook, 5 min job never had any problems.

Depending on what sort of lash up has been done you might find problems with the compressor (usually burnt out), valves, height sensors ... unless he REALLY wants air I'd clap a set of coils back on it and be happy :)

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Thanks for replies - will pass them on .

This guy has owned the Disco for a few years with the air suspension doing fine .

I really think the fitting of coils would be his best option . I converted mine about a year and a half ago and it has been a great relief . No more worries about the suspension going down at the most awkward moment :)

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