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Some people should never be given spanners ......

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Had a Panic phone call, from someone I didn't know who got my number from one of my mates.....

Chappie has taken dads RR Classic out whilst they were on holiday, as yes you guessed it

"Popped a Half shaft". He's got a new halfshaft, but the 10 spline part has remained in the diff.

He spoke to a mate of mine who advised him that if he removed the other half shaft, being a 2 pin diff

he could insert a thin rod and tap gently and the the broken bit would come out

The key words here that Master Muppet seemed to not grasp were:

Thin + Rod + Gently + Tap

By the time he called me he had found some 15mm rod, and smashed in into the diff from the other side

with a sledge hammer, and the whole lot jammed up solid, he asked me to "have a Look" and drove here in difflock

(he said that there was another almightly "Bang" as he engaged 1st and Booted it - I wonder why.....)

with 1.5 Foot of bar sticking out like Bodacias Chariot. He explained the story, but didn't appreciate me

collapsing laughing at the mess he got into, but I did feel sorry for him ...

so, I gave him a price, £100 to sort inc a new 10 spline diff, as the old one is most likley Fubared, and he started to haggle :blink:

I at this point decided that I "No longer" felt sory for him, and he could Take his problem and pop it where the

sun doesn't shine, and he stamped his little feet and went away. About 30 minutes ago I had a phone call saying he

begrudingly would have to accept my offer, even though it was too much as he was in such a fix, and didn't know what

else he could do.

I explained to him he really did have to think what else to do, as I thought he was a snotty little pratt, and I was no longer interested

in him, his problem, or fixing his dads truck, and maybe after he has had a new bottom hole created by Daddy on his return, (I found now

Daddy doesn't know and told him not to touch it) he may next time consider manners and pleases and thankyous oh - and F*** O** :D

Daddy aparrently is home "Tonight"



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£100 including the diff, he probably expected Green Shield Stamps on top of that.

Some people just don't realise you're doing them a favour, like the numpties who turned up at 4:30 on a Sunday expecting me to blast a set of wheels for the next day because they'd promised them to a customer.

I accepted them but the job turned out to be a nightmare so they didn't get finished by the end of Monday. What thanks did I get for dropping everything, putting ther wotk two places ahead in the queue? They broke into my workshop, took their wheels and a set belonging to another of my customers. Luckily I got the Police out in time.

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No better feeling than been able to afford to tell tehm to stuff it where the sun don't shine is there :D

Well, only the feeling you get when someone genuinely tahnks you and appreciates what you have done for them.

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I explained to him he really did have to think what else to do, as I thought he was a snotty little pratt, and I was no longer interested

in him, his problem, or fixing his dads truck, and maybe after he has had a new bottom hole created by Daddy on his return, (I found now

Daddy doesn't know and told him not to touch it) he may next time consider manners and pleases and thankyous oh - and F*** O** :D

That was a bit harsh - you could at least have given him the phone number of a local proctologist.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I repair cars for a living (not just manky old Land Rovers :) ), and on a few occasions I've left the vehicle in bits and walked away.

I recently did the timing belt on a Focus, which was owned by the most boring, fussy, person on the entire planet. Every time I took a part off, he would whisk it away, clean it thoroughly, then bring it back. He would get in the way so much that I sometimes couldn't see anything other than the back of his head. Setting the timing on Euroboxes needs some concentration and care, as a mistake can lead to bent valves/poor running, etc. In the end I had to tell him to keep away or I'll leave it, which he reluctantly did, but slapped the money in my hand in a big huff when the job was done. The customer is not always right, in fact a lot of the time they are totally wrong and a pain in the ass :)


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I repair cars for a living (not just manky old Land Rovers :) ), and on a few occasions I've left the vehicle in bits and walked away.

I recently did the timing belt on a Focus, which was owned by the most boring, fussy, person on the entire planet. Every time I took a part off, he would whisk it away, clean it thoroughly, then bring it back. He would get in the way so much that I sometimes couldn't see anything other than the back of his head. Setting the timing on Euroboxes needs some concentration and care, as a mistake can lead to bent valves/poor running, etc. In the end I had to tell him to keep away or I'll leave it, which he reluctantly did, but slapped the money in my hand in a big huff when the job was done. The customer is not always right, in fact a lot of the time they are totally wrong and a pain in the ass :)


Have to agree totally les. And they are getting worse after surfing the Internet and then thinking they know everything.

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I repair cars for a living (not just manky old Land Rovers :) ), and on a few occasions I've left the vehicle in bits and walked away.

I recently did the timing belt on a Focus, which was owned by the most boring, fussy, person on the entire planet. Every time I took a part off, he would whisk it away, clean it thoroughly, then bring it back. He would get in the way so much that I sometimes couldn't see anything other than the back of his head. Setting the timing on Euroboxes needs some concentration and care, as a mistake can lead to bent valves/poor running, etc. In the end I had to tell him to keep away or I'll leave it, which he reluctantly did, but slapped the money in my hand in a big huff when the job was done. The customer is not always right, in fact a lot of the time they are totally wrong and a pain in the ass :)


Many years ago I was doing some work for BR Motorsport, they had their labour rates up on the wall behind the counter It went something like;

Labour Rates

Standard £35.00 per hour

If you want to watch £70.00 per hour

If you want to help £120.00 per hour

Made me smile.

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'My mate said it's an easy job'

My mate said it's not what you say it is.

My mate said you can tighten it.

My mate said you can bend it straight.

My mate said you can tighten the bolt up a bit.

My mate said you can put something in the oil,water, etc, to fix it.

'Do you really need to remove all that just to get at that silly little bush?'

'Can't you just replace the thing that's making the noise, instead of the whole clutch?'

'It;s been making that noise for ages, do you really need to replace it? I mean - the car drives ok'

'I hope you're charging me trade prices for the parts'

And the best one -

'I used to fix my own car, but I don't have the tools. I would do it this way'

And the real best one -

Thanks Les, that's great.

Les :)

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That's the one I use, although generally its once a year! :huh:

I think it's all in the tone....

Say it like an 'excited school girl' and it'll mean one thing, say it like Victor Meldrew and it'll mean something entirely different. ;)

I'm not calling you a school girl Mr Pendrey.... but I doubt you are a Victor Meldrew ;)

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Said this before but I like so here it is again.

When my mate was a mechanic they were allowed to work weekends on private jobs, he got a request to service a guy's car at a cheep rate!

When the car arrived my mate noticed that all the parts that needed replacing in the service had a dot of paint on it.

My mate serviced the car with new parts, each with a new dot of paint. When the customer picked it up he told him kindly not come back as if he is scared of being ripped off he can come in via the service desk and pay full price.


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