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The Grave yard


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I had some dodery old fool reverse into the 90 today then proceed to push it along the road for 6ft

whilst I was in a shop watching

now luckily his trailer hit the spare wheel on the back door.

the spare wheel carrier is a little distorted but only a little.

should I make him buy me a new one /go through his insurance

or let the old git get off scot free?

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stars and traders sections are for other sites IMHO

as this site is independent with no paymasters to suck up to.

that's why the system i outlined above works so well- no traders actually pay for the site

people blatantly advertising their wares isn't on either.

the deleted section of his website is loaded with freeloaders trying to

do you all favours so to speak.

David does offer a discount as do a fair few other traders.

but there is nothing on here to stop people telling the truth abount

shoddy service/crappy products

that's what makes it different.

The system as used by LS1 tech positively encourage feedback of all types which i think is just great.

Done right, there is no reason why this site wouldn't prosper and benefit from increased trader participation without losing it's ethos or raison d'etre into the bargain.

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If you feel it needs replacing then I'd personally give him the choice and let him decide.

I assume from your post you feel it was a genuine mistake, if so and you can live with wheel carrier then yes in your shoes i'd probably let it go too.

Although if damaged carrier is spoiling your otherwise pristine 90 then change it out! ;) ;)


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Claim whiplash, sue him for thousands and go mog axles, 4 link and 40's for this years Mike Wolfe Memorial :ph34r::lol:

Alternatively, let him off with it, he doesnt need the stress and neither do you, just get his details in case the damage is worse than you thought at first

Lewis :)

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Depends on the damage, if it's bent the door (popular) then you want to check the glass & frame as if that's bent it could go "pop" next time you slam it hard, not very convenient :( I'd get his details and say you're happy to get the price of a new door & glass and a tin of paint from him (which will be muchos cheaper than any insurance claim) I can't see him grumbling too much. Might even find a good door on eBlag for a few quid.

That said, muppets crashing into me paid for the first V8 in the 109 and (a tragically small) part of the deposit for my house so I've done alright, but both times I actually did get whiplash and didn't go out of the way to extract big money / act more inured than I actually was. And both times the guilty parties were real idiots who I didn't feel any sympathy towards :rolleyes:

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I'd ask him to either stump up for a new spare wheel carrier. If you go through insurance it won't do your NCB much good & then there's the excess to think of. As wheel carriers are not that expensive it hardly seems worth making a claim.

Incidentally my Defender was reversed into by a doddery old git the other weekend! The guy had a huge Merc and could barely see over the steering wheel! He had two wheels on the pavement from having reversed at a strange angle and then over straightened. He hit the car in front and then confidently reversed into my front bumper! There are a couple of streaks of Merc paint here and there on my bumper but nothing to bother about! The back of his Merc had loads of dents on it - I suspect he may park by ear!

What does bother me though, is that this guy might cause a serious accident! I really feel that it is time for him to hang up his driving gloves!

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It's his fault, you'd claim on HIS insurance not yours so it wouldn't affect Tony's NCB.

dont believe it John, insurers wont necessarily care whos fault it is, they just want to know if you were involved in an accident. its really common on bike insurance to get hammered for 5 years because a nob knocked you off.

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well your entitled to your opinion of course.

this site doesn't need traders to support it

the members own it and thats the way it was intended.

just peruse the other 4x4 sites to see how bad things get

when paymasters/sponsors get into the mix.

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There are plenty of people 'in the trade' on here, who offer advice, and also alert the forum community of new products etc. quite often there's healthy debate on such products, and why shouldn't there be. the names that come to mind offer discount, so it works both ways.

I don't see how it can damage the forum, the tradesmen post of their own free will. Whether they're members or not doesn't affect any legal position of the forum with regards to libel/slander/whichever one it is, in fact a few companies have used the forum to respond to complaints in a way satisfactory for all.

companys get free advertising, they offer discounts.

they have no input (above that of a normal member) into the forum.

I see no reason for them to be 'paymasters' or 'sponsors'

I would have thought including traders, talking to them and agreeing on an amicable solution is better than just getting rid of them.

I for one partly visit this forum because i know Mr Ashcroft, Si, David, Jim, chris (trigger wheels) etc post here. it seperates this forum from the many others. that's something to be proud of i would have thought, not shy away from.

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As I said I was in a shop looking out when I watched him do it.

I went out and approached him.

and I quote:

Me:Not much good at reversing are you

reply:no not really

me well you've managed to hit it and push it 6ft up the road

him: I couldn't see out of the windows

me: well give me your details I'll be in touch.

him:ok hands over name and contact number.

I leave.

the Mantec wheel carrier is bent a bit towards the door at the bottom.

it won't win the concours now will it :)

miffed a bit but hence my post requesting opinions

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traders and all are welcome as is anyone

but if they set about a free advertising campaign on the back of the members investment in this site

that is spamming.

no one is put off joining/entering all forms of forum life, but if they start to pay for advertising this site heads down the road of so many others.

the traders that are here some offer discounts some offer advice both are great fully received, but they are given/taken

with no additional offers of free advertising/forum association.

what makes this place what it is are these guidelines, that the way it was founded and the principles for it to run on.

If you only visit because of a few traders post here you'll be missing a whole lot.

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Very sad news. I echo "Thoughts go out to those involved and their family". did he leave wife/kids? and if so; is there a whip-round for him? does anyone know the site/organiser?

not knowing the site cant comment on rules and regs or if marshalled or not but would be useful to know if harness and roll cage were fitted and being used.

I will now get one! and a harness.

Very sad news indeed.


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Tony, depending on the damage give him the option to pay £50 if there's any real damage. Insurance might not be worth it as the chaps excess won't be less than £50 and, depending on your insurance comapny, you may loose your NCB.

Something along these lines happened to me a few months ago. I was in convoy with a guy I know and he pulls into a parking space, I pull in along side and, as I do, matey's passenger opens the door, I swerve a little but not enough and door hits the side of my wing and it gets dragged open. Damage to Navara is a new door, damage to Landy is a small dent in the wing. As I don't like to see matey out of pocket for what was a genuine mistake I say I'll make a contribution and give him the number of a few of the big breakers which are likely to have doors of the right colour in stock. I hear nothing for a fortnight then I get a call saying the bill was £780 (new door, spray job labour etc) and how would I like to pay as he believed I should pay it all. I suggested he go away and think about it again and I kindly pointed out that hitting the side of my vehicle made it equal blame at best, he'd ignored my advice and the bill was more than twice the size of what it should be and that his passengers should look before they open doors. It fell onto deaf ears and then the guy had the cheak to give me a call a few weeks ago and ask for a favour to help find an engine. Total k^*b!!! :angry:

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Now look here - sonny :angry:

If you hadn't put your gas-guzzling 4x4 in the way of where I might have gone, had I had my hearing aid, bottle top glasses on - you wouldn't have reversed into me.

I didn't fight in three world wars (in a Land Rover), for the likes of you young (Welsh) whipper-snappers to go telling me what I can and can't do. When I was a lad we could go to the pictures, buy a new raincoat and a pair of boots, gets the bus home, and still have enough change for fish and chips, you lot don't know what it was like in them days - eating lard and stale bread every day, etc etc (cue MOG)

Yer bluddy grandad :angry:

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Safety issues seem to be commented on more and more lately. There will always be accidents, regardless of precautions taken. Unfortunately there are those that don't see it as an 'occupational hazard', but rather as a means of stopping what a lot of us enjoy. Sit on the sofa, watch the news, don't complain about anything, don't do anything that might be percieved as dangerous, big brother will hold your hand...............

Edit - see what I mean - Fiona is reading this right now!

Les. :ph34r:

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I don't get that - straight over my head - sorry Les!

I lived in Bromsgrove for 20 odd years, So I'm a little concerned I might know the guys who were involved.

[mother mode]

Kids - don't off road until you've had some instruction off someone who knows what they're doing. And for god's sake wear your belt - it's fitted for a reason!

[/mother mode]

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