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silly questiion time!! 300tdi mpg+towing?

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hello all, we use to have a F reg 300tdi 110 called (big) Bertha :wub: which always had a trailers behind it and mum swore that when she's towing it gives BETTER mpg! is this true or has she hit her head some where? :hysterical: (does anyone no who has a beige 110 registration F555 k--)??

Edited by landy-novice
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Theoretically, with the same conditions, speeds and driving methods the MPG will be lower as the engine has to do more work to maintain that state. In practice, one's driving style may change sufficiently when towing to lower the MPG (slower speeds, more gentle acceleration etc.) though personally I doubt it.

Depends what you're towing as well of course. A small garden trailer will not affect things much compared to a 3,500kg car trailer etc.

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well that's gotta be tut! more weight= more effort= more feul used, though, if you drive it without the trailer, you might be driving it harder as it will perform much better without a tom of trailer behind it, so you accelerate harder and so drink more? I dunno, I think, like you say, she must thave hit her head getting out of the cab one day :D

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Err F reg 300tdi wouldn't it be a standard 2.5 at that age unless it was upgraded.

But not really possible to get better MPG while towing but towing but dose make my 200tdi seem happier

Think the drive train and engine like the load.

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most of the time was a full horse box trailer, alway drover her gently regardless! and fran, 2-3 owner before us toured America in her and forgot maintaining her! so a brand new shiny 300tdi was dropped in :D so its confirmed, mum had clumped her head!! :rolleyes: (other question still stands, last heard was sold to a bloke a N wales for dragging trees out of woods) :( :(

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Some one mentioned to me about how the haulage drivers at the top of the 'efficiency tables / leagues' always ask for the biggest loads. I suppose the savings of using momentum can be greater than losses of hauling larger loads. Though I doubt this would be transferable between towing and not towing with a Landy, more likely the difference between towing 10 and 20tons.

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Well i do ALOT of towing with Landrovers and i'm afraid i have to confirm that under certain circumstances i DO get better mpg!

If your towing around town with lots of stop starts then you'll use more fuel as you need more effort to get the thing moving.

However when i tow through France which is always with a large heavy trailer at least up to the gvw :ph34r: then i'm not stop starting, so it's a constant rolling load, combined with the fact that i'm doing 50 - 60 mph instead of 80-90mph my mpg is usually better with a load than empty. BUT this is purely down to my driving style and i know i have my faults :lol:

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Most people I know that tow horses drive them like they're balancing a glass of water on their heads.

It is remotely possible I suppose (but unlikely IMO) to achieve better economy due to adjusted driving style. As already mentioned, the extra weight is unlikely to be offset by gentle pedal action.

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I drive a 110 td5 so it may be slightly different. I have a trailer which weighs almost a tonn empty and its behind the landy for 80 percent of my driving, probably 3.5 - 3.75 including the trailer is the most weight that I have pulled behind it. My fuel consumption is always between 27- 29 mpg with or with out the trailer, unless I drive over 60 miles an hour then I can get it down to 23 mpg.

It could well be that when the trailer is not attached my driving style changes (It certainly does) but if I keep under 60 mile an hour it definately will burn about the same amount of fuel.

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Most people I know that tow horses drive them like they're balancing a glass of water on their heads.

too true! but mum always does now, in the bmw525tds, right boot full of lead = 14mpg!! :o back to the 110. with the horse box, she brakes with the brakes, not gearbox like everyone told her. :blink: ... she said mpg was better because the engine is working more efficiently with a bit of weight behind it and obviously opposite from a petrol!

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