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New winch, new shocks and springs?

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I have just bought a new winch and bumper for my defender 90 :D .

My question is do I need to upgrade the suspension now to take the extra weight :blink: ?

I have searched but cant find the answer I am look yes/no.

If I do have to upgrade any recommendation?

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when i fitted mine the front sagged. I replaced the fronts springs after only a day with 90 rears as per Westerns comment. However the front is really stiff now and i've even put my spare on the bonnet to get some more weight up the front. Its trial and error i'm afraid. I now have a lovely set of genuine front springs for sale :(

I also found that one of the pattern springs i had on the front was uneven......quite a bit. This is why i fitted the genuine ones.

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Thanks for the replies. I haven't fitted it yet.

I just really can afford to change things at the moment.

I suppose i will have to try it on and see, although the shocks springs and turret mounts are looking very tired.

I know i could buy cheap shocks and spring, but I would prefer to save up and buy once and buy right!

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