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Land Rover Wave


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took the kids to Keswick the other day and lots of Landrover drivers waved at me, didn't wave back as was too busy trying to work out just what the new bloody (read expensive)noise emanating from the front end was...

Sorry folks nowt personal. So to anyone who waved at the mostly white 110 V8 making one hell of a noise (I really must sort those cattle trucked headers out...)SORRY.

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Yep i caught the wave bug in Australia where after not seeing another sole for 6 hours of driving i waved at every vehicle i saw for the three weeks we were in the NT. Now i have a 110 i wave at all other defenders as long as they aren't new and they arn't a utility worker or farm hand/business. These guys just think your weired.

As mentioned i do feel bad if i miss someone who waves at me. the missus usually says " he waved " and then i feel bad and think why didn't she wave back if she saw them. Then i remember, shes female.:D

I keep wanting to wave when i'm in the other car.....that would surely get some strange looks as its an Audi.

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I wave at Series & Defenders & anything that looks like it's used, usually get a wave back especially from Series drivers. Don't wave when I'm in the freebie as I doubt anyone would notice or wave back.

BT vans usually wave at each other, I used to forget and wave at Landies from my BT van and wave at BT vans from my landy... doesn't work.

Hehe, I have the same problem frequently waving at Land Rovers from the Morgan - sometimes I get a wave back from Series motors!

Doesn't work the other way around from the 90 though!


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when one is driving the disco

the odd 90/110 i get a smile and there's a couple of series drivers around soton/winch and beastleigh i get a wave but thats about it

not a soding thing from a disco owner

:blink: Twizzle :blink:

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