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200tdi Problem

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Ahh, where do I start?!?!

Bought a new Land Rover Defender/90 yesterday, it has just been fitted with a Disco 200tdi.

Anyway, after viewing and deciding to buy it I drove home. (around 30miles) I then drove to work which is another 30miles, all without any problems other than the clutch starting to slip when the turbo kicks in due to oil on the clutch (crank seal needs replacing), which I new about anyway.

Anyway, after traveling back and reaching a roundabout and the engine on idle and road noise lower, I noticed the engine was rattleing away, I would descibe it as it sounding standard but about 10times as loud. Anyway, pulled over and turned it straight off. Initial thoughts were that the the engine had run out of oil. Checked the dipstick and it was around 1 inch above the maximum line, which confuesed me. Oil filler cap is covered in black oil, so looks fine. Expansion tank was ok, with clean coolant and the temp was perfect with no smoke coming from the exhaust what so ever when running.

My Dad towed me home and I have only just got round to looking at it now. Unfortuanetly, the oil pressure light doesnt seem to work at all, no signs of life even when the ignition is on. Have just had the dash apart and the wire is connected to the circuit board, and the bulb is working. The wire is also attached to the pressure sensor. So im not sure why that doesnt work, and if the engine has oil pressure.

Does anyone have an idea on what could be up? Oil pump knackered? Engine knackered? Head gasket? Over fueling e.t.c.

At the moment I assume the engine isnt getting oil for some reason, as thats what I think it would sound like.

Just after some ideas at the mo, or if anyone has experienced anything like this before?

Im holiday as of tomorrow for 1.5 weeks, but thought I would try and get some ideas thrown around.

Have taken a video and uploaded it on youtube, but it doesnt pick up the actual loudness, so sounds pretty standard, worth a try though.

The smoke is just from the start up.

Cheers guys. :(

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Cheers Western, I do have another working 200tdi (in my series 3 with snapped chassis) so will try that. Do I have to drain the oil to remove it or will it be ok?

Will have a quick search now, although I suppose I could try my other dipstick aswel!

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Might be as simple as the previous owner over-filled it with oil, I'd drain and re-fill with the correct amount first. Checking dipstick length as above.

Other things that can cause sudden oil level increases include diesel leaking into the sump, which is obviously not good!

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Can't help with the rattle but to test the oil pressure switch:

Pull of the connector from the switch and make a temporary lead up to connect the wire to the -ve terminal of the battery (or a clean piece of metalwork).

Turn on the ignition.

If the light comes on the switch is knackered if it doesn't something else is.



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The pressure switch is a simple "body earth" switch, so when there is no pressure it activates, to test just put a continuity tester on it with the engine/ignition off, put positive on the input wire and negative somewhere on clean metal on the engine, it should beep, or show there is an earth path. Hence why the light comes on with the ignition on and goes off when you start the engine. I drove my truck up from Wales with firstly the wire to the sensor broken (it didn't occure to me that the light didn't come on at all!!!- this was in my early ownership days I might note!!!) then when I did connect it up, found the switch was duff anyways. i replaced it with oil in the engine, be prepared for a Paul Danials type slight of hand change over, as there will be a steady stream of oil that come sout the hole! so get everything ready beforehand.

p.s. the engine sounds pretty normal to me, but if you have another 200tdi to compare it too then there must be an issue. if you're tappets are adjusted wrongly it can make a noisey engine bay, but thats usualy quite distinctive.

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Have a good poke around the inside of the rocker cover, it could be a loose rocker shaft. Or It could be the valve clearances undoing - sometimes they aren't nipped up enough, and can come undone.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Right then, a bit of progress but still the same issue!

Have fitted a new oil pressure switch, the oil pressure light now works which is great, and turns off when the engine starts, so I can assume I have sufficent oil pressure.

I have also drained the oil and re-filled it to the correct level.

However, I still have the same knocking sound which sounds like its coming from the top end.

I have noticed that when I rev it in neutral, the knocking seems to dissapear when in the mid range of the revs, and appears again when in the higher sections of the revs, and the same on idle again.

Not sure if that good give anyone any ideas/clues?

Few other questions, how do I check the timing? I know there is a inspection cover, could I do it with that or do I have to take the water pump off e.t.c? Also, what marks am I looking out for?

and what am I looking out for when taking the rocker cover off? Just loose nuts that may need nipping up?

I will go and take the rocker cover off now and await some responses!

Thanks in advance! :)

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Have had the rocker cover off, all is tight. Did however find two bits of swarf around the diamater threads were the bolts go that secure the rocker cover, not sure were there from, but cant find anymore.

Started it up without the rocker cover and I do seem to have oil reaching the top. Fine oil dots on top of the bonnet. Not sure what ammount I should be getting up there?

Really dont have a clue whats causing the noise/knocking? :(

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Have had the rocker cover off, all is tight. Did however find two bits of swarf around the diamater threads were the bolts go that secure the rocker cover, not sure were there from, but cant find anymore.

Started it up without the rocker cover and I do seem to have oil reaching the top. Fine oil dots on top of the bonnet. Not sure what ammount I should be getting up there?

Really dont have a clue whats causing the noise/knocking? :(

Did you actually check your tappet clearances when you had the rocker cover off? - Haynes manual shows how you do it, there is also 2-3 articles in the tech archive that guide you through it too.

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