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Bulkhead hole - what's it for?

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Currently sorting out my new bulkhead and have a question. In line with the wiper and washer holes, there is another hole, in the centre of the bulkhead. You can see it in the picture below (hope Ross doesn't mind me borrowing his picture), albeit with a plug in. It's the one below his MOT sticker; what is this hole for?


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Currently sorting out my new bulkhead and have a question. In line with the wiper and washer holes, there is another hole, in the centre of the bulkhead. You can see it in the picture below (hope Ross doesn't mind me borrowing his picture), albeit with a plug in. It's the one below his MOT sticker; what is this hole for?


The centre hole IS the original washer hole, the washer feed has been moved to what was a blanked hole and that grommet has been used to block the old washer hole in the centre.

At a guess i would say that the original blanked holes are possibly for use if LHD for repositoned wipers .................................Maybe?

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the outer holes are left over from the early models [single jet each side] BUT you can blank the centre hole & fit a 2 jet unit on each side, as I've done on my '89 110, now I've got 4 wash jets & much better for cleaning road grime/flies off

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Mine has the single jets (though I am tempted to do the washer on the arm mod).

The new to me bulkhead has 5 holes. 2 each side and one in the centre. I presumed the 2 each side were wiper and washer.

Perhaps the theory of LHD wiper positioning is correct...

So the next question is: does anyone know the part number for that blanking grommet? :lol:

Edit: cheers Ralph, clearer now!

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Mine has the single jets (though I am tempted to do the washer on the arm mod).

The new to me bulkhead has 5 holes. 2 each side and one in the centre. I presumed the 2 each side were wiper and washer.

Perhaps the theory of LHD wiper positioning is correct...

So the next question is: does anyone know the part number for that blanking grommet? :lol:

Edit: cheers Ralph, clearer now!

LHD vehicle the wiper arms fit the outer holes with the correct LHD arms fitted, washer jet remains in the centre.

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Landroversforever, do you have the rear washer fitted with twin pumps on the washer bottle?

If so could you not redirect the plumbing and use the rear pump motor so both feed the front, then perhaps install a seperate bottle for the rear at the back?

Just a thought.

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The on wiper washers do seem more effective, but they look messier and require me to find a suitable part at a scrappy :lol:

Spending enough time on this rebuild as it is!

Plus I've now got the thought of 6 washers jets blasting out stuck in my head :D

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Landroversforever, do you have the rear washer fitted with twin pumps on the washer bottle?

If so could you not redirect the plumbing and use the rear pump motor so both feed the front, then perhaps install a seperate bottle for the rear at the back?

Just a thought.

I don't have it plumbed in... might be an idea, I dont know if the pump thats there will work (washer bottle and pumps not a LR part).

The on wiper washers do seem more effective, but they look messier and require me to find a suitable part at a scrappy :lol:

Spending enough time on this rebuild as it is!

Plus I've now got the thought of 6 washers jets blasting out stuck in my head :D

I think mine were from a Peugeot 405 :)

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The on wiper washers do seem more effective, but they look messier and require me to find a suitable part at a scrappy :lol:

Spending enough time on this rebuild as it is!

Plus I've now got the thought of 6 washers jets blasting out stuck in my head :D

I found some of these and had a notion of installing them onto the slightly angled down part of the bonnet where it just starts to sink, might have to make a wee tapered washer to get them at a suitable elevated angle too. I found I had a lot of problems with the standard center nozzles gettting frozen in the winter, so another notion was to instal overly long squisher pipework then wind it round and round one of the heater matrix water pipes, the heat transfer into such a small amount of liquid could be enough to defrost the nozzles...

An aside - One trip last winter I actually drained the windscreen fluid out the tank (at the side of the motorway) and put neat windscreen de icer into it.

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you usually find that the washer jets freeze up because the "anti freeze" agent in the washer fluid evaporates away at the open end of the tube it then freezez !!! even if you start off with neat fluid JMHE

the headlamp washer pump works well to feed multiple screen jets :blink:

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you usually find that the washer jets freeze up because the "anti freeze" agent in the washer fluid evaporates away at the open end of the tube it then freezez !!! even if you start off with neat fluid JMHE

the headlamp washer pump works well to feed multiple screen jets :blink:

Yup, I actually drained neat washer fluid out the tank and put in the stuff you spray on the window (usually in a pressure can, but I found some in a squirty bottle - it smelt amazing!) in the morning to defrost the car, not technicaly washer fluid, I just needed something wet on the screen.

It hadn't occured to me that my focus never had the problem of frozen jets etc, then I checked it out and as well as having a cool heated windscreen I've got heater squisher jets too! simple and effective.

On the truck as a temporaty solution I actually found a big resisitor with built in alu body, taped it to the jet and connected it to the battery.

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The on wiper washers do seem more effective, but they look messier and require me to find a suitable part at a scrappy :lol:

Spending enough time on this rebuild as it is!

Plus I've now got the thought of 6 washers jets blasting out stuck in my head :D

I brought a set off ebay that had them built in, i will see if i can dig them out and give you the relevant info. But they are 'secure to wiper' type.

I may not be successful letting you know as i may of put them into storage, whilst the house and garage are being built!!


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