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Anticipating Clutch Failure

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My 300TDi 90 has done about 120k miles. I believe it has the original clutch, and am sure that it has had an easy life for the last 60k I have had it.

Is there any neat way to tell how much life the clutch is likely to have left in it. Or, if I want to go away for a long trip do I just put in a new one anyway ?

All help gratefully received.



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As above - but with a caveat - if it's done 60k in your ownership and possibly 120k total on same clutch then IF I was taking it away anywhere I wanted it to be 100% I think I'd bugger the cost and put a new one in - it's probably not far off (and not nec due wear but maybe fork or bearing).

If just pottering around the UK I'd leave it - there's normaly some warning signs and you can normaly get a fair distance if careful on one that's started to die.

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You can't tell the amount of wear unless you take the thing apart. Hydraulic clutches automatically compensate for wear, so the pedal stays the same regardless. If you're going on a long trip, then it might be wise to replace it - along with the fork and slave cylinder.


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