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Green lane speeds.


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D you like to take your time or rush down the lanes? Personaly I like to take my time and enjoy the lane I'm travelling not race down it like some other people seem to do, I was at strata on saturday with the family and started from the abbey end. We passed a group of about 5 toyotas parked near the start and by the time we were at the first forestry road crossing they had caught up with us. I pulled over to let them past and watched them go on ahead, they just seemed to want to get to the other end as soon as possible. This isn't the first time I've pulled over for a toyota, I was on bomber lane in the summer and a hilux came flying up the lane with a young kid stood in the back holding onto the roll bar. Are all toyota drivers like this?

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I think I saw those guys parked up in Brecon down by the canal yesterday. Some less conspicious trucks, but one very 'in yer face' vehicle amongst them.

The mud deposit patterns were concurrent with high speed driving.

Alas, this kind of behaviour is not exclusive to 'yota drivers, there are plenty of Landy drivers that carry on like this too. IMO that approach is thoroughly irresponsible

Tearing along a lane does nothing to help preserve our rights of access, especially if the local antis happen to witness it. You may still be on a public highway but the conditions of the track generally dictate gentle progress. Remember you still have to stop if you meet someone, and these lanes are most single track!

A certain off road instructor from Devon used to advise travelling 'as slowly as possible, but as fast as necessary'. This essentially means that a little momentum may be needed to get through some trickier patches.

I prefer to drive green lanes drawing as little attention to my presence as possible, which is why I have a fairly standard looking truck without roll cage, and a fairly quiet exhaust system on my V8. As Ross says, there are views to admire; and Wales has its good share of those.

Try to be courteous to other users, even the antagonistic ones that are looking for an arguement. Also be prepared to switch your engine off while horses pass, some of them are easily spooked by engines.

Also be aware of the latest status of your routes. I was walking this weekend rather than driving, and witnessed trail bikers using a bridleway and a footpath near the Black Mountains gliding field. One of my maps (not that old) showed these as RUPPs, but the other newer one showed the current status.

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Thats sounds like the same group. One of the vehicles was plastered in mud before they got on strata so it wasnt their first lane of the day. I did keep my eye out to see if the were any fresh off piste tracks but couldnt tell on the ones that were already there.

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If I'm on my own I love 1st gear low just crawling along the sound of your shocks working the soft suspension combined with the views of the country side is great. If we're in a group then it'll be low box 2nd gear half throttle or 3rd low tickover depending on terrain. I hate laning in a group that try and cram as many in as possible and just shoot through the lanes as quickly as possible

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We planned on doing a Wales trip on another Forum however I had man flu and a serious case of toothache and the other guys motors all died around the leaving date so we did Plan B or Z. We ended up in the Fens and it was really nice camping overnight there was soo many lanes its it was unbelievable taking it nice and slow relaxing taking in the views and driving respectfully.

Here's a video but it advertises the other forum Mods please Pull it if you think its not appropriate:


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Paul Humphreys would be the man to ask :hysterical:

Thanks, I think ;).

No most Toyota drivers are not like that, but on saying that it depends on the "lane" on the speed I do. Most of the time I will do 5-15 MPH. I will do up 30 moh if it is on a tarmaced lane (some are you know).

It is just a case of doing the speed your happy with or as slow possible/fast as necassary. As sometimes you may need to carry a little more speed to climb some slopes.


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