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Was a 110 now its a 55....

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This is my first time on this site so hello to everyone.

I had a old 2.5 n/a diesel 110 in need of love to and due to a lack of space to put the body panels, I had to restore the back first, this included; tub off, rebuild chassis, new spring plates everything stripped and painted then fitted new springs shocks poly-bushes etc. I got up to the gearbox then put it back together again so I could strip the front. But then I found out about the LEZ 'con' which made the old girl useless to me.

So what do you do with a half restored landy???

Cut it in half and make a trailer of cause.

What do you think?

I'm not finished yet just a bit of tidying up then painting.





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Thanks Retroanaconda glad someone likes it.

That’s an EU law is doesn’t apply to me being a ‘freeman of the land’ of this great nation, that many good men died fighting to keep free.

(anyway made it ages ago just decided to talk about it now ;) )

To all you petrol heads, I sorry to tall you retro fitting a petrol engine doesn't get you off the LEZ as they go by the engine it had when registered. As of the 3th Jan 2012 it will be £100 a day to go in the LE Zone which is basically within the M25.

The good news this works both ways so get your selves a petrol landy and put a diesel in it and your still good for London.

Surprised no one asked how I got the brakes working or how I A-framed the chassis.

and don't feel bad for 'Roger' the A reg 110 that gave its self for the course all bit not used have gone to save another landy's.

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Go on then , how did you do the brakes ?

Over-run trailer brakes are normally cable operated, I suppose with a bit of work a cable caliper from a car would fit - iirc Mundano rears look about workable, still no auto reverse tho?



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To all you petrol heads, I sorry to tall you retro fitting a petrol engine doesn't get you off the LEZ as they go by the engine it had when registered. As of the 3th Jan 2012 it will be £100 a day to go in the LE Zone which is basically within the M25.

The good news this works both ways so get your selves a petrol landy and put a diesel in it and your still good for London.


I'd be very surprised if that was true, especially as one of the options on the LEZ site for compliance is to change the engine or to convert to a gas engine with spark ignition. This sounds like confusion over the body type, which is taken as what it was built as.

BTW I like your trailer, it's nice to see one with a proper chassis :) Probably worked out quite cost effective to when you consider how much you would pay for a covered trailer.

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I like the trailer. I saw a white one like it in Kent over the weekend towed by a nice looking white 90.

Not quite right on the petrol not being LEZ compliant thing though. LEZ only affects diesels. Putting in a petrol and then getting it properly re-registered by the DVLA (change of fuel type) followed by, if necessary, registering it with tfl will get you off of the LEZ hook. Its been covered loads on here and elsewhere.

Edit - Cwazywabbit beat me to it.

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Didn't really want to talk about the lez. but Its seems I have to defend myself here.

There are two ways out. Filter or LPG both will cost about £2000 and you can't diy because it has to be approved installers to get registered with TFL. I know this, but its not cost affective for me. Any how I like to run on BioDiesel if for no other reason than to poke it to the tree huggers that give us stick while driving their 20mpg people carriers.

The info I stated is taken from the TFL web site, as a truck mechanic, I been following the site for some time. The site is hard work and has been changed over the last years so I admit I may be out of date with it.

The landy I used was shaged, the chassis was very bad, body not good too, it was dead! but because of my love for landys I couldn't just break it up. But lets face it by the time I've restored it change it to petrol, had LPG fitted how much would it be worth compared to what it cost me. I know we don't do it for profit, I just decided to stick with my Range Rover (200tdi) it gets about 28mpg and runs on chip fat.

I made £500 on the bits left over, the landy owed me £400 and came with the new poly bushes, springs and shocks. Everything I used: the replaced tub, 110 roof, 109 roof 109 side cut to make the front tops, the van sides, the top tail gate, lower tailgate, rear door, was all tucked away around the house if I didn't make any of you happy at least my wife's happier.

Everything that went into this trailer, I had and is land rover. the brakes use the 110 master cylinder pushed by a clevis taken from a range rover vacuum unit, the front bumper is a rave from the original tub cut and flipped.

I've had to 2 kids since I got this landy, as a mechanic my projects often get pushed to the back while I'm saving everybody else's motors. I'm sure we all know moneys tight at the moment. So no more Ski holidays for me, its camping, beaches and bike rides for the next few years. That's why I decided to make this land rover a trailer so I can use it with my family.

Most people that have seen it in the flesh loves it and if anyone wants to make one you have to make a front for it and I've not seen another one that uses another rear to do this. I hope to end up with a cooker sink and roof tent etc in it.

Sorry for the long reply well done if you made to here.

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It looks like quite a bit of work went into the A-frame with slimming of the chassis members, any chance of some more photos?

Have you left the half shafts and diff internals in or removed them to lose some weight?

Not only is it a cheap way to get a covered trailer, it is also far stronger than anything of a comparable size that you could buy.... and coil sprung! :)

Are you going to paint it to match the Range Rover?

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Cheers Deej and CwazyWabbit

Using the landy chassis gives it a good low center of gravity. It's well balanced and the weight is bios to the nose but I can still lift it off the tow ball by hand.

The diff and half shafts are still there to the mo. I was thinking of hooking up a landy dynamo and onboard battery to it, geared to give drive at low speeds via switch in car using winch solenoids. if you've towed a trailer off road you'll know they act like an anchor, low ratio gear 'should' help push it out the mud.

I was green laning with a mate with a very tough 110 with 33'' bfg muds 300tdi, he was pulling one of those army trailers, not the sankey the bigger one with drop down suspension, a little hill and mud had his winch out. I didn't laugh, much!

A frame'n the chassis took ages. I put the hitch on top to give the highest ground clearance. My Rangie is quite high and it fits nice with my tow ball on its highest setting.

I used 3mm flat plate and to make the nose. I fitted tubes inside to stop it crushing when the hitch bolts are tightened. Also cut the chassis to give it a nice angel and plated both sides with 3mm plate.



The only ones I found on the net, had cut and shut the roof to keep the slope at the front I was going to do this but it didn't look right against the lower rear pannels plus if I used the rear of the 109 roof I could use the top tailgate. also a small detail I left the bracket for the standard interior light there. keeping it land rover has been my rule

before roof chop 110 roof




109 roof


A good tight fit. Not bad for someone with a 'measure once make it fit' work code


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i thinks its fantastic, i was only daydreaming about something simillar whilst on a long and boring drive on the motorway last week -

old 109 or 110 to make a trailer as you have, completely fit out the inside with nice storage cabinets down one side and a seat on the other side, bung a tv on one end wall, fold out table, sound system and a kitchen on the back door. Fit a water tank where the fuel tank would have gone and a water heater and shower head thingy. Fit a decent roof tent with batwing awning and it will be a very versatile and rugged overland camper.

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Sorry for not liking it pal but you asked what we thought and if it was mine I'd rather it be a one-ten. But it's your's to do what ever you want with so crack on!

I would have rather put a 200/300tdi diesel engine in and kept it with 4 wheels then maybe converted a sankey trailer instead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't mine If anyone doesn't like the trailer

I just didn't start this to talk about LEZ.

If I just wanted a 110 I could have bought one and not have done all the work I did with this trailer. But I enjoy making things and as much as I love defenders I prefer my Range Rover for no other reson then I'm 6'2'' and the defender is too small inside for me.

Peace and Landy love!

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Ha! I actually like that. Don't quite know why, but I do.

Now how about an articulated Rangey? Anyone ???? :lol:

I like your 110 chop job too, just wish I could find time for such 'little' projects...

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Would like to add my voice to the 'nice one!' Camp.

Let us know how you get on actually using it too!

There's no way we can 'save' every Land Rover & if we did folk would soon grumble about the scrapper-parts-supply situation. My 110, as well as costing me several limbs, will essentially be made of 3 land rovers by the time its finished (whilst retaining the required bits not to need a Q plate, officer)!


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