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I suppose another question could be, can anyone recommend other companies that manufacture uprated radiators? I've tweaked my 200tdi 110 and on motorway runs/long inclines, the temp gauge moves just to the right of the normal vertical (always in the white though) and i wanted to give it the most opportunity to cool properly. I know i should fit a gauge that reads in degrees really. Its got an uprated intercooler already (from Brunel).

I know allisport make aluminium rads, but they are LOTS of money and i was hoping for some competitors to be better on price.

Fins are fine on the current rad, and the viscous fan locks when it should. Am i worrying about nothing and should i stick with a standard rad? I guess without a 'proper' temp guage and some readings in degrees its hard to tell.

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I bought one of his intercoolers months ago and I am very happy with quality and service.

Before the summer I ordered a stainless pipe with joiners, and I think I got the wrong joiners.

I sent a photo and more emails but no avail, the stuff is still sitting on the shelf getting dusty.


Shame as I really love the intercooler, quality looks second to none, and price was good.

I would order another without batting an eyelid.

But the pipe/joiners kit thing and customer care left me a bitter taste.

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Thanks for the links. I'll do some searching. I guess the only obvious thing that would be an inconvinience is the lack of an oil cooler on the ones i looked at at a glance. I'm sure there is an easy way round this, but it may well add up to Allisport prices in the long run anyway!

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Ditto on the digger core, even the drifters are fitting them!

Plate-and-bar coolers are a lot heavier and given the right tanks can do 500 psi all day long. (Ideal for taking a kicking). The advantage is thicker fins with a simple, easy clean geometry, coupled with fins inside the tubes for better heat transfer :)

Normally less efficient than ally car rads, you need more thickness. But fins are available all the way out to 8mm pitch (4mm gap) and square looking from the front. Very easy to clean and hard to block.

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Phone Break for a moment there :)

I sell all sorts, from little intecal type up to 2m square jobbies for 425hp CATs in 55 degree ambients. But selling these industrial grade rads into this market is hard, as the prices are a bit scary. You've got to really want somthing tough!

Why havn't I got one? Well, back in the day, I put my copper and brass rangy rad in the back. Now the milemarker is intergrated into the chassis, I havn't space up front.

So well worth a look at digger coolers if you want somthing abuse friendly.

Or, if your just on the edge of overheating, put an electric fan on the front of the rad to shove more air through and help the engine fan :)

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