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V8 Water Pump Bolts


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Soon, I hope to replace my noisy waterpump http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=72158

However, as the 90 is my daily driver I would like to have replacement bolts handy just in case. Trouble is I'm cannot work out which bolts I need!

My 90 is a 3.5 running SUs, has PAS and originally had air con.

Please help!.... anyone!

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all the bolts & washer in the list, the quantity for each item is given on the right of the list.

so read across --

item number - part number- quantity = your parts required.

If I did that I'd end up with about 50 bolts! Looking at the pump, it takes 15 bolts and I believe all the pump casings are the same whether you have or haven't got PAS, air con etc - it's just the pulley hub arrangement that is different to suit.

Anyhow I cannot for the life of me work out which 15 bolts I need from the info!

However I have found water pump bolt kits for sale... in stainless. So I may go for one of them.

Thanks for your help though Western :)

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http://www.retroanac...V8_p262-367.pdf page 311, note the bolts that are applicable to your engine & if it has Power steering &/or air cond fitted, if no PAS or AC then note the bolts for that version.

good you found a altenative supply.

Thank you once again Western for your help :)

Please don't think I'm ungrateful or that I'm being 'funny' with you but I still can't work it out! If I follow the remarks 'air con' on the attachment it would mean I only order 4 bolts, and as I said before I'm pretty sure I need 15.

Another thing, not all part numbers on the diagram have reference numbers on the left, or remarks on the right. I've studied the diagram and tried to understand it but just can't work out what 15 bolts I need!! What 15 bolts would you go for?

Thanks again, really appreciate you taking the time to help me.

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I see what you did there, maybe it is 16 bolts I need - I'll take a look later. I got my 15 from google images of a V8 pump, but maybe I missed one. Big thank you to you, Cwazy Wabbit, very kind of you to have a look for me :)

However, what I don't get is if I was to use your 'method' of reading the diagram for a V8 with just PAS and no air con, then I would only get 12 bolts! Stupid Land Rover parts diagram!

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However, what I don't get is if I was to use your 'method' of reading the diagram for a V8 with just PAS and no air con, then I would only get 12 bolts! Stupid Land Rover parts diagram!

Actually it would be 13 bolts (see line with the number 14 at the start) but the non aircon models have a different water pump casting according to that diagram so it may be that 3 less bolts are needed.

I could be wrong, it's just my interpretation of the diagram....

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Actually it would be 13 bolts (see line with the number 14 at the start) but the non aircon models have a different water pump casting according to that diagram so it may be that 3 less bolts are needed.

Well spotted! I have read that the castings are all the same, it's just the nose/pulley hub that is different from one pump to another. Maybe you're right and this is dud information... Think I'm going to have to ring a few suppliers and see what they say.

I could be wrong, it's just my interpretation of the diagram....

Of course, but you've made a lot more sense out of the diagram than I've managed to! And I appreciate your help - thank you.

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just as a word of warning. :unsure:

on the lower right hand side of the water pump there are 3 long bolts about 4" long.i think that 2 are the same length and one is a little bit shorter.my advice(and that of a V8 builder) is to change all 3 bolts to the same length to that of the shorter one.

as they go through the pump/timing cover and into the block.

if you get it wrong,and put the wrong bolt in a hole it will go through the back of the captive thread in the block and screw itself through and into the bore(you can guess how i found that out :( ).result is knackered block.

just my input anyway. ^_^

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just as a word of warning. :unsure:

on the lower right hand side of the water pump there are 3 long bolts about 4" long.i think that 2 are the same length and one is a little bit shorter.my advice(and that of a V8 builder) is to change all 3 bolts to the same length to that of the shorter one.

as they go through the pump/timing cover and into the block.

if you get it wrong,and put the wrong bolt in a hole it will go through the back of the captive thread in the block and screw itself through and into the bore(you can guess how i found that out :( ).result is knackered block.

just my input anyway. ^_^

Ouch! Expensive mistake! Thank you for sharing that with me.

However I have a plan to prevent this! Bit of cardboard with the shape of the pump drawn on it, some holes pierced where the bolts go and the bolts pushed through one by one as I remove them (should they all come out in one piece). It's an old trick, that many people use and should prevent any mishaps :blink: Good for keeping pushrods in order too.

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