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Off-road sites The Netherlands, Belgium or Germany


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Hello all

I am looking for some off road sites within a couple of hours of Eindhoven and not having much luck.

The best I found is in Belgium in the Ardennes called Bilstain. more info here http://www2.izook.com/?page_id=479

Has anyone been to this site or still goes?

Can anyone recommend any others that I could look at?


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There are only 2 permanent site in Belgium: Bilstain, which is aimed more at motorbikes, and Bertrix, a small and technical site with quite some risk of damaging your car...

Just across the border, in Zeeland, you have Axel, not too big but fun and open every weekend.

In the North of France you have Inor, a big and beautifull site with lots of mud, Fontaine au Pire, also very muddy, and Hesdin, a mix of technical slopes and slippery tracks.

In Germany there is Mammouth, haven't been there myself but have heard good comments.



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I've been to Bilstain... once... I love the place! Lots of rocks and steep long climbs. Beware when it's wet though! Slippery clay on the rocks on step climbs can become very dangerous.

Sclayn is not far either.

And right next to Eindhoven airpost lies De Landsard, an offroad site in a forest. Lots of mud, water and well...trees.. Nice place, but you can't just show up, pay your money and have fun. Certain clubs hire the place for a day on which you can come and play, after paying a 30euro or so fee. Usually there's a club here at least once a month.

Inor and Bertrix are in just over the border in France. Only been in Bertrix once, a very long time ago so don't remember much of it..

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Sclayn is not far either.

Inor and Bertrix are in just over the border in France. Only been in Bertrix once, a very long time ago so don't remember much of it..

Sclayn has been closed for several years, it's now open again, but I think only for clubs.

Bertrix is in fact just inside Belgium. ;-)

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Thanks for replys i will take a look at these.

Landsard would be ideal for me as it's only 10-15 minutes away but I have not been able to find a date it will be open any time soon what clubs Use it more regularly?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys, only just spotted this thread,

I was asking the same question in the international forum, I am bringing the 101 to Holland on the 28th dec for a week and am meeting up with a couple of friends in the Lieden area, if you find any sites let me know and we would love meet up with you


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