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Driving the Strata Florida and surounding lanes

Disco Joe

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Hello everyone, I'm planning a weekend of lanes in Wales and driving the Strata Florida is top of the list! I've never driven it before so would like a bit of advise and info on it please. Also any recomendations on surounding lanes or any that would be worth driving on the same weekend would be great.

Thanks very much.

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Dont do it on your own. and.........

Be very wary of the river crossings.

Be very wary of the river crossings.

Be very wary of the river crossings.

I done it a few times, its stunning but you must be careful...

Some of the river crossings can be very strong.


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It's definately a lane to drive with another vehicle to start with, I did drive it solo last summer (we had a very dry summer last year) but I't is more of a risk. The last river crossing (where the young lass died in the Disco) is now quite cut up, and theres nothing to winch off. So care requried.

The fords are deep and fast flowing, having said that- last time I drove it we passed a Series 1 petrol coming the other way. He wasn't on all cylinders but he was going ok, so not unpassable even when deep.

There are loads of lanes you can link up with Strata to make a weekend, or just a day. Try using Trailwise or searching on here, there must be loads of threads on this. You running Memory Map?

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If possible try and find out what the weather is as late as you can before you set off. Because of the terrain there it's very prone to flash flooding and the like. I was supervising a Duke of Edinburgh expedition there a number of years ago and witnessed one of the rivers nearby rise by a total of 8ft over the course of the day.

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For river levels you can use the EA's monitoring stations which can be accessed here http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/homeandleisure/floods/riverlevels/default.aspx

This will allow you to monitor the river levels relatively in the area you are at. For Strata I also know that there has been some recent additional signage added to the route as detailed on the GLASS forums which should become apparent on the ground so follow that.

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Yes don't worry I'll be travelling with a few other landys, I'm organising this trip for my local club and everyone on the trip will be confident and sensible drivers. I am using memory map on my laptop so I'll be plotting the route and others before hand. The trip won't be till April but I know it's Wales so normal weather patterns don't apply! If you have recommendations on other lanes that would be brilliant.

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Would any body possibly be able to give me roughly 4 days worth of interlinking welsh green lanes, my friends and I are planning a trip down 1st to the 4th of february.

I know people some people dislike disclosing information like this, but I am a land owner and conservation enthusiast myself and would really appreiciate some help.


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