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Should the plenum on a V8 be sealed with Hylomar or are the two alloy surfaces sufficently smooth?

If it should have sealant but doesn't would I be right in assuming that this could cause an erratic idle speed?



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Just taken the plenum off my 4.6 to reseal it & have found that the "trumpet" for No.7 has come out completely and the one for No.5 is very loose!

Couple of questions if you don't mind:

Would this cause the engine to run roughly?

How should they be held in?



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IIRC they are held in with something similar to blue hylomar, as far as running goes, it could cause rough running, but I doubt it would affect things too greatly, unless the loose trumpet was blocking the port....?

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Cheers Bowie,

I'll "glue" them back in in the morning.

I've found why it's running rough, nothing to do with the plenum after all..

If you get chance would appreciate you having a look at the MS section, could use some advice.



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