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Sounds like the clutch isn't aligned to me.

Surely clutch alignment is just for assembly so you can get the gearbox shaft through the friction plate and into the spigot bush? So long as it's aligned enough for that the moment you press the clutch pedal the friction plate centers itself properly.

Or am I missing the point and you are on about some other alignment?

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Take the truck back to the "garage" immediately.

Sounds like the clutch isn't aligned to me.

Surely clutch alignment is just for assembly so you can get the gearbox shaft through the friction plate and into the spigot bush? So long as it's aligned enough for that the moment you press the clutch pedal the friction plate centers itself properly.

Or am I missing the point and you are on about some other alignment?

correct. as soon as you press the pedal, the friction plate is free to move at which point it will spring straight back to the perfect central position.

however they could have damaged something mating the gearbox back up to the engine. if they didnt have experrience of big 4x4s and only change skoda cliutches.

i have done both and trust me, its childs play changing a skoda clutch. or most other small car really

you dont tend to have to turn the crank or gearbox to line up again, maybe they didnt know how to do that because they never needed to before? and maybe they jjust wound the box onto the engine when fittin and it wasnt quite right. this can do much more damage than you would think.

i would take it back though as chances are its their fault. theyre the only one thats touched the hearbox recently right?

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I'd certainly be worried about those symptoms, but is it even possible to mate the box up to the engine with that bad a misalignment? The end of the splined shaft goes into a very tight aperture with a brass(?) spacer/washer, there is literally nowhere else for it to go, unless you mean they may have broken the middle of the friction plate. I also changed clutch recently and it also took me an age to remember to turn the crank to align the splines. If they somehow carelessly misaligned one of the props when putting everything back together, would that imbalance not cause a juddering in the transfer box? Having changed two or three Defender clutches, I just can't see how it's possible to fit it that badly.

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From a conversation I had a few years ago with a man in the trade, he told me that people from mr clutch came to him and asked him for second hand clutch assemblies that he had from the mini's he was breaking at his mini centre-and seeing as I have no reason to disbelieve him I would steer well clear of mr clutch as you would probably see chimpanzee's do a better job

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Thank you for the responses. I have called the garage, which is in Durham, so quite far away. I'm going to take it to a local 4x4 specialist on Monday and get them to have a look, I'm then going to tell the garage what they say.

The issue is I don't really want it to go back there, they clearly did a shocking job and don't know what they're doing. Am I entitled to a refund?


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Involving another garage is probably not going to help.

You should ask Mr Clutch to sort it out and I would watch over them whilst they did it.

Clutch manufacturer is crucial so if you did not specify that then that would be your first mistake.

I would want to see inside to understand what work they did and there is no easy way to see inside without doing the job again.

Asking another garage to have a look is only going to confirm your anxiety.

You can only ask for a refund having given Mr Clutch an opportunity to sort out the problem.

The second garage could at least tell you the Mr Clutch job is not fit for purpose.

Good luck, I had my clutch changed by a local man for all in £240.

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:rtfm: I just read this thread and jaws fell in shock. I am not a mechanic but managed to centralize my clutch, aligned and got in on the road after reading Uncle Les` tutorials on the tech archive. How is it possible for a workshop to do such a job?????
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I think DiscoMikey probably hit the nail on the head, the bloke who did it probably spends his life doing front wheel drive shopping trolleys, when a 4 wheel drive turned up he probably just kept undoing bits till he could get to the clutch.... then attempted to put it all back from memory......

DanTD5 you were able to do the clutch change like quite a few others on this forum because you read up on it first :)

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It is possible that the flywheel has not been properly installed after it has been removed.

Then there is the chance that the clutch pressure plate is warped.

Finaly, (a rare one) is that when the engine has been refitted, it was not 100% engaged/aligned on the splines of the input shaft. The clutch drive plate is not aligned properly when the engine is refitted, and using brute force and a degree of ignorance, is pulled into final position on the shaft using the engine to gearbox mounting bolts.

I have seen this done on a 300 tdi. The new clutch plate splined shaft deformed over the input shaft of the gearbox, and engaged only on a small area. The resultant force on the gearbox input shaft forced the shaft rearward into the gear box.........

When fitting an engine , it should simply slide the last 20mm or so onto the input shaft, without the need to jack it home using bolts :)

My advice would be to take it back to the garage that fitted it - pronto

Cheers and good luck


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Update: I have been looking on forums and seen that with difflock engaged the car will make a knocking sounds whilst turning. (note - the dash light is not on and the selector was in normal H). To test I jacked up one wheel of the car, put the lever into neutral and tried to spin the jacked wheel, it would turn slightly but then stop.

Based on this it was clear the car was stuck in difflock.

I called the original repair garage and told them the problem, they suggested I brought the car back in. I refused to do this as Durham is over 40 miles away. I suggested he picked it up with his lorry, however he decided (rather wisely) it would be best for me to take it to a local garage to fix the problem and sort the bill out for the work from there.

Hopefully it will be sorted... ^_^

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I hope you have that in writing as he may decide not to pay up once he sees the bill. It sounds like the diff lock and/or high-low lever has not been connected properly to the gearbox. As I commented elsewhere, I would not trust the trained monkeys at Mr Clutch to sit on the toilet the correct way round.

Other potential reasons for judder under acceleration include bent transfer output shafts due to dropping the transfer box on them or prop shafts which have been mis-aligned following disassembly of the sliding joint - the UJs either end of each shaft need to be in the correct orientation with one-another. Ask your local LR independent to check both of these while he has the car on the ramp.

Let us know how it all goes.


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My local garage sorted it. The linkage had been incorrectly adjusted, the bill came to about £100 and I have forwarded it on to the garage. There is a slight fishy smell coming from the car now when climbing a hill, I suspect this is due to incorrect adjustment. I'm honestly very very angry with the whole situation.

All I can say is please, take my advice and do not ever use Mr Clutch.


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