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RHD and indicators


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Not actually LR related, but a legit technical question about a British car:

I've recently bought a RHD 'daily plaything'. I quickly got used to shifting with my left hand, but have problems when turning or changing lanes in traffic. I'm used to driving with one hand on the stick and one on the wheel. In the LHD Range Rover, it's easy to operate the indicators and turn the wheel with the same hand, while still able to change gears, which gives some safety when doing spirited driving in our capital. But on the RHD, I can't figure out how the operate the indicators while at the same time steering and (ready for) shifting. Any tricks to it, or do I just put it in 2nd and keep both hands on the wheel?

For those wondering about the car in question, as soon as Ben (Elbekko) comes online, I'm sure he'll be kind enough to post a few pics.



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We have to do this with cars that are now built to EU spec with the indicator on wrong side for RHD !!

So before the RHD cars (like LRs) had the indicatorstalk on the RH side? That would be logical!

@Ross, I think you have exactly the same problem in your Pug as I do. But putting my right hand through the steering wheel seems like a very bad idea in my case. Nor really any room for it anyway...

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Is that snow??? You lucky sods!

Funny, I had the same sort of issues when I first started driving the Camel Freelander, which is left hand drive, it felt very odd for a few weeks, but soon got used to it. TBH I couldn't even tell you what side the indicator stalk is on now!

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Thx for the pic Ben!

Yes, it's a Lotus Esprit, a 1990 Turbo SE.

And the first day I took it out for a drive (to the MOT station) had to be the only day of snow this winter. :P

Hoping for sunny weather soon to go out cruising. :D

@Fozsug, thx for the compliment. That's actually only half of it, there's another Esprit and a P38a just out of view to the right and Mouse is hidden in the back. ;)

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Anyway what do you do in a LHD car when you are changing gear and need to turn the wipers on? :P

In all seriousness you get used to wherever the indicators are put very quickly, my previous cars have been mixed as to which side the indicator stalk was on ... give it a week or two and you won't even notice it :)

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Anyway what do you do in a LHD car when you are changing gear and need to turn the wipers on? :P

Then I'd have to put the cellphone down. :moglite:

Thanks for all the input, I'll give it some time and I'm sure things will work out OK.


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Eee when I was a lad learning to drive it was normal for the indicator stalk to be on the right hand side and indeed my first couple of cars had this layout. Gradually more cars adopted the indicator on the left arrangment.

Personally I have no preference (but it was cheaper in the old days!)

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