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300tdi FiP Leaks


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As FiP leaks seem to be favourite at the moment!

After removing the throttle linkage from the spindle on top of the FiP (300tdi FiP) it has developed a leak out of the top housing. From what i can see it is coming out of the spindle housing that the throttle linkage attaches to.

i believe there is a small seal in there. Is this correct?

Can it be changed without removing the FiP?

Anyone have a part number of suggestions on where to get a new seal from?

or failing that ideas on where else the fuel could be coming from?

Many thanks.

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You might find that you've assembled the throttle spindle incorrectly. The spindle itself can drop down a few mm and it doesn't reseat when you tighten the nut up, i've had to hold the spindle up with a pair of nosey pliers before.

Well just been out to have a look, about 1 - 2mm vertical movement in the spindlewith it all fitted. took the linkage off again and tried redoing it all with the spindle held up - as you implied - not alot of fun! anyway re tightend and movement seems to have gone, will try it tomorrow

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Well that didnt do it, but i did find one of the screws (the allen cover bolt) i had refittted was tight enough, have re fitted that and all seems good now so far.

Getting bored of taking this throttle linkage on and off!

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Just completed this job on my Disco 300tdi completely successful!Found taking digital photos of the original settings useful as a reference when reassembling, as is counting the threads on the adjustment screws[1thread =1mm]Using a wrap of alfoil over the throttle spindle splines enables the Oring to slide easily with a bit help from some vaseline and a loop of cord pulls the throttle spring back into place.

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